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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in Artist Morning

There are so many intense things happening in the world today.

For many of us the solution is to guard our hearts, by placing walls between it and the world.

I get it. I do this too. Sometimes it's actually needed, but most of the time it ends up meaning I lose connection with my beloved heart.

This simple 15 minute guided morning meditation will lovingly help you reconnect with your heart and your truth.



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

10 Minute Guided MORNING MEDITATION (Perfect For Winter Blues)

It’s the middle of winter. 

It’s the middle of a second lockdown for many of us. 

It’s cold AF outside and I don’t know about you, but I am missing summer like crazy these days.

Especially pre-covid summer. 

So, I made a meditation specifically for anyone else who is feeling the winter blues and could use a simple visualization meditation that will bring you back to those carefree summer days. 

This meditation is perfect for beginners, and anyone else who wants to feel warm and cozy this morning. 

Grab your headphones, find a comfortable seat, and get ready to reconnect with your favourite summer memories. 



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me LIVE. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

I AM Affirmations Meditation (15 Minute Guided MORNING MEDITATION)

It can be easy to forget your greatness.

It can be easy to forget that you are a divine cosmic traveler who chose to come to earth for a "Human Experience".

It can be easy to forget how powerful and capable you are.

This simple meditation will bring you back to the knowing that exists inside all of our hearts.

Big LOVE and happy Hump Day!


PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation


Happy weekend y'all.

Anyone that is into SELF LOVE Meditation will likely dig this Internal Family Systems Meditation. If you have no idea what Internal Family Systems IFS is, but are into Self-Love that works too!

I hope you find all sorts of ways to love ALL YOUR PARTS.

Big love,


PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

I CAN'T Meditate (BEGINNERS Guide To Meditation)

In the past year I’ve guided and facilitated over 100 group meditations. This has been an honour for me, as the impact of meditation on my own life has been undeniable.  

I’ve had many conversations with people who believe they cannot meditate. Their reasons were the exact same as my own reasons that initially turned me off from meditation. But over the years I have found simple solutions to each of those common barriers to meditation, and with this video I wanted to share them with all of you.

Also, if you want a little accountability as you build up your own meditation practice, you should join us for FREE group meditations every week over Zoom. Not only do we meditate as a group, but we also do some fun (private) journaling afterwards. The combo of those two together is honestly THE BEST therapy I have ever experienced… and also the best way for me to tap into my creativity.

We meet every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. It’s 100% free and everyone is welcome. →



Gratitude Morning Meditation (Wake-Up LOVING Your BODY, MIND + SOUL)

Happy Wednesday y'all.

This simple and calming gratitude morning meditation will allow you to bring more kindness and gratitude into your mind, body and soul.

Being in a state of gratitude is not only a joyful way to start your day, but it can also be a great tool to turn yourself into a magnet for bringing more love, peace and abundance into your life.

Have an awesome rest of your week!



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation


It's too easy to start your day on your phone answering emails, or scrolling through social media. When we do this our brains become very reactive.

How you start your day is often indicative of how the rest of your day will go. That's why taking a few short minute to intentionally start your day with a 15 minute guided meditation can make a BIG impact on your life.

This 15 minute GUIDED MEDITATION for positivity will help you start your day feeling grounded, calm and connected to your heart.

Morning meditation is a great way to set yourself up for maximum positivity throughout your day.

Happy Weekend Y’all!

Big Love,



ps: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations I got you covered —>

pps: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am (est).

Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

5 Minute Guided Morning Meditation

Good morning beautiful humans.

When I step back and reflect on all the new creative adventures I’ve gotten myself into since this pandemic started, it blows my mind.

Artist Morning did not exist this time last year. The truth is, if it wasn’t for COVID it would never have been created. A good reminder that sometimes shitty situations can birth beautiful creations. 

The Artist Morning community is one of the most beautiful things in my life and for that I am eternally grateful. You guys got me through the really dark parts of COVID. You reminded me of the tremendous healing power of both community and creation. 

I adore and love all of you beautiful weirdos who wake up early to log into Zoom so we can meditate and journal together in community.

Thank you for holding this sacred space with me. 

Thank you for getting silly with me. 

I hope you enjoy today’s meditation; it’s only 5 minutes long. Usually I make a 20-minute guided meditation, but today I wanted to try something a little different. 

Our next group Zoom meditation is tomorrow at 9am EST. Everyone is welcome and it’s totally FREE. You can get the Zoom link by signing up here —>

Also, if you have 5 minutes check out the newest Artist Morning YouTube video. It’s a much shorter meditation for when you don’t have as much time, but still want to start your day feeling grounded and connected to your heart. 

Big LOVE, 


Higher Self MEDITATION (15 Minute Guided Meditation)

Happy Monday Y'all!

I just listened to this Higher Self Meditation again myself this morning and it took me for such a powerful journey.

This short 15 minute guided meditation is a really loving way to start your day and your week.

It's from this past Friday's FREE group meditation.

Creativity Meditation (Permission To Feel And Express Your Heart)

Sometimes before we have fun with creative expression, we need to carve out some stillness for us to experience what's going on in our inner world.

This is especially useful for creators, artists, and innovators who feel blocked.

Because ignoring anxiety or sadness within us is never a good long-term solution. We need space to catch up with our feelings.

This simple guided morning meditation will help you tap into your heart's truth, so that you can access and unleash your creative potential.

PS: If you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it, subscribe to the Artist Morning YouTube channel. I share 2 new guided meditations EVERY week. 🙏🏽