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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in Meditation For Beginners
Self Care Meditation

Happy weekend beautiful humans. If you are looking for a really gentle and calming meditation to start your weekend with, I got you covered. ⁣

I really love this meditation. ⁣⁣

Special shout out to my brother Dane Osorio. He's the stud in the thumbnail. I wish we could go back to that photoshoot in Costa day!! ⁣



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered → / link in bio @dariusbashar

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free → Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning

#meditations #meditationpractice #meditationtime #meditationteacher #meditationclass #meditation🙏

Meditation for SELF LOVE and Acceptance (20 minute MORNING MEDITATION)

This Self-Love Meditation is a bit different from the others. It has a very powerful self-love visualization in the middle that can quickly and effectively bring you to a place of self-acceptance and self-compassion.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

Sending a shoutout to my brother from another mother @SoulBrotherDane for being the beautiful human in the thumbnail below. 

Big LOVE and happy Hump Day!


PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I’ve got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation / @artistmorning


There are so many intense things happening in the world today.

For many of us the solution is to guard our hearts, by placing walls between it and the world.

I get it. I do this too. Sometimes it's actually needed, but most of the time it ends up meaning I lose connection with my beloved heart.

This simple 15 minute guided morning meditation will lovingly help you reconnect with your heart and your truth.



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me live. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

10 Minute Guided MORNING MEDITATION (Perfect For Winter Blues)

It’s the middle of winter. 

It’s the middle of a second lockdown for many of us. 

It’s cold AF outside and I don’t know about you, but I am missing summer like crazy these days.

Especially pre-covid summer. 

So, I made a meditation specifically for anyone else who is feeling the winter blues and could use a simple visualization meditation that will bring you back to those carefree summer days. 

This meditation is perfect for beginners, and anyone else who wants to feel warm and cozy this morning. 

Grab your headphones, find a comfortable seat, and get ready to reconnect with your favourite summer memories. 



PS: If you’re looking for a FREE collection of Guided Morning Meditations, I got you covered —>

PPS: Come meditate with me LIVE. We meet as a group on Zoom every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. Sign up here for free —> Free Group Meditation

I CAN'T Meditate (BEGINNERS Guide To Meditation)

In the past year I’ve guided and facilitated over 100 group meditations. This has been an honour for me, as the impact of meditation on my own life has been undeniable.  

I’ve had many conversations with people who believe they cannot meditate. Their reasons were the exact same as my own reasons that initially turned me off from meditation. But over the years I have found simple solutions to each of those common barriers to meditation, and with this video I wanted to share them with all of you.

Also, if you want a little accountability as you build up your own meditation practice, you should join us for FREE group meditations every week over Zoom. Not only do we meditate as a group, but we also do some fun (private) journaling afterwards. The combo of those two together is honestly THE BEST therapy I have ever experienced… and also the best way for me to tap into my creativity.

We meet every Wednesday and Friday at 9am EST. It’s 100% free and everyone is welcome. →