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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Testimonial Tuesdays
Testimonial Tuesdays - Mike Shoreman

"I’ve been photographed many times but this was unlike any other experience I have had with a photographer and human being. From the moment I walked in to the moment I walked out, Darius was ON.

Never have I seen someone turn it on so quickly, so gently, so fiercely, designing and producing what I wanted my audience to see most. He knows when to push and when and what to pull. His timing, attention to detail, and the value he provides far exceeded any hopes I’d had."

- Mike Shoreman


Thank you Mike for those generous and kind words. It’s been such a joy to see you and your book soar to the top of the charts. Well deserved and much needed in the world. Love you brother.



PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word "2021".

Testimonial Tuesdays - Kristin Dorsey

“Never in my life have I felt so comfortable in front of a camera or so blown away by the images that were captured. I wanted to do the shoot for my birthday —my 39th birthday—and to capture how I show up in the world with the strength and wisdom I've gathered in life so far. The photos show that and so much more, and it was all due to the fantastic experience that Darius created, and allowed me to create with him.

Darius didn't just start shooting, he walked me through the whole process, explained techniques and angles; he basically gave me a little class in how to be a model. It was extraordinary. The shoot was so relaxing and so much fun that I was disappointed when it was time to stop! I wanted to keep trying new things and taking more pictures! I can't wait to come back next year and do a shoot for my 40th birthday!"

- Kristin Dorsey


If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word "2021".
