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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Toronto Photography
Shine Bright

Standing bolding in your power and letting your light shine through is a very important gift we give our community and the world.

It inspires others to do the same: to seek out their own truth and follow their hearts.

This is a great responsibility and privilege we each hold.

So shine bright my friend

Before it’s too late.

Big love,


PS: If you want to collaborate with me this summer or fall, let’s chat. I have an amazing photography promo. Send me a direct message or email and let’s share that light of yours with the world.

This is Adil

Dear Adil,

I have known you for more than 20 years.

It’s been such a gift to have you as a friend for over two decades.

To watch you grow and to be able to grow alongside you.

It’s been a thrill to witness you lead organizations and projects that have impacted the lives of thousands, such as the Center for Social Innovation, Reset and Toronto For Everyone.

And to watch your incredible love story with the brilliant and beautiful Shilbee as it unfolded over the past decade has templated what is possible within love, for me and so many others.

You and I have probably had more courageous conversations than I’ve had with any other male friend in my life. The type of conversation that might start off difficult, because it addresses a hard truth, but then ends up changing our lives in so many amazing ways by allowing us to look at parts of ourselves that needed attention.

Recently, you held space for me as I processed some grief, sadness and anger. It was very difficult and much needed. Yet I want you to know that it inspired me and gave me hope about what is possible in friendship, especially amongst two men.

I love you Adil.

I can’t wait to continue growing alongside you and to keep rooting for you and your gigantic heart.

Big love,


PS: If you want to see the video reel I made for Adil you can find it on my Instagram or my TikTok.

This is James

This is James. What you don’t see in these photos is that James and I spent 15 minutes chatting before he agreed to let me take his picture.

I told him about this project and what it means to me. I shared stories with him about a few of the other amazing humans I’ve photographed on the streets. I listened to him as he courageously shared some challenges he recently went through.

I’m not sure what changed James’ mind, but he switched from a hard no to a yes.

I’m so grateful I got to connect with him and that he agreed to be part of this art project. I hope James gets to see these photos one day and that it leads to another wonderful conversation.

Big love,


PS: If you want to see the behind the scenes video of me approaching James and taking these photos, check out my Instagram or my TikTok.

Daniel Pillai HEARTshots

The first time I met Daniel was at this photoshoot. Before that, we knew each other on social media for over 10 years without ever being in the same room.

When we finally met in person, we instantly connected. 🙏🏽

Daniel was immediately drawn to the rose quartz gem on my necklace. Before I knew it, I was making him an extra frothy latte and he was pulling tarot cards for me and telling me all sorts of amazing psychic things about my life. Our hearts connected and there was immediate trust. 

Like two lifelong friends, we quickly dove into deep conversation. His openness and honesty encouraged my own. I love it when this happens with someone you just met. 

The photos turned out amazing, and a few days later we were on the phone booking his second shoot. 

The way Daniel uses the photos from his HEARTshots session on his website knocks my socks off. 🧦 They really pop and give you a sense of who he is. The entire site is done so well: professional, but also intimate and real. 

If you haven’t seen it I recommend taking a look —>

Daniel, I can’t wait for our next playdate!

Theano HEARTshots

It's electrifying to be in the presence of someone as they are channelling their higher-self.⁣

It takes COURAGE to step into your power.

To let go of who you were, takes incredible bravery.

It also takes LOVE.

To believe in yourself and your GREATNESS, requires a tremendous amount of self-love and self-kindness.⁣⁣

Theano, it was such a pleasure watching you step into your power and your greatness during our photoshoot. You are a powerhouse and I am so grateful to have witnessed your magic.⁣




Kelley Oswin HEARTshots

It's a rush showing photos to people and watching them fall in love with themselves. To sit and witness as they begin to remember how epic and powerful they are is one of the many gifts of this job. ⁣⁣

I also adore all the conversations before the photos. To sit and listen to people, especially kind, ambitious and deeply intelligent humans is such a privilege. ⁣⁣

Yes, it's super helpful to my photography process for us to connect and chat prior to taking any photos, but also it's a ton of fun. ⁣⁣

Thank you Kelley Oswin for being so great to work with and for really leaning into my process. ⁣⁣

I love these photos AND I am so grateful for our conversation and the impact you have left in my life. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Big love, ⁣⁣


PS: I've currently got a really great photography promo. It's an insane 2 for 1 deal. If you are interested in making something beautiful together send me a message. I'd love to connect. (Limited spots available)

How To Look Slimmer In Photos

🚨 Super important note: You do NOT need to look slimmer. Your body is YOUR body and it does not need to look like anyone else's.

Before proceeding, please re-read the above sentence 3 more times. 

Everyone has a different body size and shape and this is an amazing thing. Please don’t buy the hype that there is an “ideal” body size. I promise you that no matter what your body looks like, you are FREAKING beautiful. 

That said, several people have reached out to me asking if I had any tips to help them look a bit slimmer on camera.  

After taking over 500,000 photos of people, I definitely have many tips on how to look more photogenic. With this video I share a few simple tips to help you look a bit slimmer, if that’s something that interests you. 

My goal with this video (and the other two in my “How to Look More Photogenic” series) is to help amazing humans who are on their own self-expression journey to feel a bit more comfortable on camera so that they may continue sharing their light with the world. 



PS: Next week, I will be sharing my next video called “How to Build Trust with a Photo”.

PPS: If you dig this video and this message and want to support me and the Artist Morning YouTube channel, you can subscribe here →⁣ // link in bio @dariusbashar


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How To Be More Photogenic (5 Tips From A Professional Photographer)

Yes, you can be more photogenic. This video contains proven tips that help make anyone look and feel better in photos. I know this because in the past 6 years I have taken over 500,000 photos of people just like you and me—many of whom HATE getting their photos taken. 

You don’t NEED to be more photogenic. But if you are committed to living a creative life, at some point you will want to document your journey and your growth. And photos are a powerful way to do this. 

So in this video, I share 5 of my best tips to help ANYONE look and feel more comfortable in photos (i.e. look more photogenic). 

Hope you enjoy the video, and don’t forget to be kind and compassionate to yourself along the way.



PS: If you dig this video and this message and want to support me and the Artist Morning YouTube channel, you can subscribe here →⁣ // link in bio @dariusbashar


PPS: Come meditate and journal with me. It’s totally free and everyone is welcome. You might just love it → // link in bio @dariusbashar


#artistmorning #behindthephoto #torontophotography #torontophotographers #createmore #artistsway #creativityeveryday

SunChaser Season Is Now Open

It’s official: SunChaser season is NOW OPEN.

Who wants to play in the sun with me this spring and summer?

I am now booking outdoor shoots (AKA SunChasers) in a variety of amazing locations throughout the city and province.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready to take in some much needed nature and sunshine.

If you’re interested send me a DM and I can share all the deets.




Beautiful human by: @chrisassaad

Beautiful photos by: @dariusbashar


Something Beautiful (Part II)

Spring has sprung.

Winter is finally over.

A fresh new canvas waits eagerly at the edge of your paintbrush.

What will you make of this new start?

What will you bring along with you on this new adventure?

What are you ready to leave behind?

Here’s a rude awakening that nobody ever wants to think of…

This might be the last summer of your life.

Sorry to drop that in the middle of this pretty little post, but that’s exactly how it happens.

So grab that fucking paint and make something beautiful.

Your canvas awaits.


Beautiful human by: @paigedubrul⁣
Beautiful hair and makeup by:⁣
Beautiful clothing by: @cestmoiclothing
Beautiful location by: @mintroomstudios
Beautiful photography by: @dariusbashar


#torontophotography #torontophotographers #createmore #artistsway #ArtistMorning #creativityeveryday #portraitsinspire