Headshots — Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography — Darius Bashar | Toronto Portrait Photographer | Toronto Photography
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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Headshots
This is Tarzan

Sometimes I feel like I am making a documentary of my clients lives. Especially the ones that I get the privilege of working with on a yearly basis.

Today Tarzan is coming into my studio for our 5th photoshoot.

Each time we have played together she has felt like a new and evolved version of herself.

All of us are growing, that’s how life works, but with Tarzan the expansion has felt really intentional and deep.

I remember from day one how light and playful she was. Yes, she runs a very successful business (Email Stars), but it was clear to me that she was so much more than just an entrepreneur.

She was really interested in connecting with me. Human to human. Soul to soul.

After 4 years of working with her it’s crystal clear to me that Tarzan really cares about people.

Our second shoot was an adventure in the city. It felt like we were running around Toronto making a music video together.

Our third shoot was more structured, as it was an indoor white backdrop type of shoot. That said, Tarzan still found ways to bring her fun, warm and playful energy to that experience.

And for our last shoot, I got to witness her more tender and radiant side, as we went on an adventure in the forest.

I have no idea what to expect for shoot #5.

But I have a feeling it’s going to be magical.

Big love,


PS: If you’re new here, my name is Darius and I am a professional portrait photographer that loves to work with authors, coaches, speakers, healers and artists. I have taken over 800,000 photos of awesome humans all over the world and I am currently looking for a few new clients to work with in the spring and summer.

I have an awesome spring/summer promo, so if you are interested in learning more, check it out here.

This is Fran

95% of my clients don’t like getting their photos taken. They’ve had some negative experience of photography and are often nervous. But Fran was not typical. When she walked in the door, she was 0% nervous and 100% ready to go.

From the first moment I spoke to Fran in our intro call, I knew it was going to be special. I could feel both her inner artist and her inner child. They were excited, loud, and ready to play. A powerful combo.

Most of the time my clients want me to figure out the creative direction of the photoshoot, which I am more than happy to do. Meanwhile, Fran had done research on what types of photos she wanted, and even had a moodboard ready for me.

I remember the moment she walked through the door on the day of our first shoot. We took a moment to ground ourselves by chatting and having tea. Then when it was time to begin, we jumped right in.

I learned that Fran is deeply committed to growth, and I think this is where she gets so much of her courage. She knows that the fastest way to grow is by going just outside of your comfort zone.

Often when I photograph people yearly, there are big differences. But in Fran’s case, what I saw was a deeper expression of the same qualities of kindness and optimism.

Yes, she had grown as a person, but she was still the same kind and courageous Fran.

Watching Fran express herself in the photoshoot and then seeing her support herself while reviewing the photos afterward left a big imprint on my heart.

It gave me permission to be kinder and more loving to myself.

Thank you, Fran! I am so grateful for both our photoshoots together.

Big love,


PS: If you’d like to work together this winter or spring, I have a great promotion til the end of this month. —> https://www.dariusbashar.com/heartshots

PPS: If you want to see a fun video Reel I made for Fran you can find it on my Instagram or my TikTok.

Kelley Oswin HEARTshots

It's a rush showing photos to people and watching them fall in love with themselves. To sit and witness as they begin to remember how epic and powerful they are is one of the many gifts of this job. ⁣⁣

I also adore all the conversations before the photos. To sit and listen to people, especially kind, ambitious and deeply intelligent humans is such a privilege. ⁣⁣

Yes, it's super helpful to my photography process for us to connect and chat prior to taking any photos, but also it's a ton of fun. ⁣⁣

Thank you Kelley Oswin for being so great to work with and for really leaning into my process. ⁣⁣

I love these photos AND I am so grateful for our conversation and the impact you have left in my life. ⁣⁣⁣⁣

Big love, ⁣⁣


PS: I've currently got a really great photography promo. It's an insane 2 for 1 deal. If you are interested in making something beautiful together send me a message. I'd love to connect. (Limited spots available)

Kelly Swartz HEARTshots

This is my friend Kelly Swartz. She is a self-intimacy and sex coach. The work she does is really powerful. Yes, it's important to feel confident when it comes to your sex life and sexuality, but that's honestly the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what Kelly is able to help her clients with.

At the core it's about freedom and self-expression. It's about safety and abundance. Her work helps humans live fuller lives. 

I'm sure Kelly's website will do a better job describing what she does and who she can help. If you're interested check her out. (www.awokenbeauty.com)

The best part is I have a second shoot booked with her in August. The first one was a ton of fun and I can't wait to play again.





PS: I've currently got a really great photography promo. It's an insane 2 for 1 deal. If you are interested in making something beautiful together send me a message. I'd love to connect. (Limited spots available)

One Of My Favourite Moments Of Almost Every Photoshoot

“You can go to extremes with impossible schemes
You can laugh when your dreams fall apart at the seams
And life gets more exciting with each passing day
And love is either in your heart or on it’s way

Don’t you know that it’s worth every treasure on earth
To be young at heart
For as rich as you are, it’s much better by far
To be young at heart”

- Young at Heart lyrics by Carolyn Leigh

I heard this song on the radio yesterday. It’s a timeless classic performed by the legendary Frank Sinatra. If you haven’t heard it in a while, I definitely recommend giving it a listen. 

It reminded me of so many of my photoshoots. Because almost every photoshoot has a moment where I can see and feel the inner child of the person I am photographing. 

A very special moment when their inner child feels safe enough to come out and play.

It’s often my favourite part of the entire shoot. 

Those younger parts of us deep inside our hearts are often the key to our fullest self-expression. They are the keepers of so much joy, play and tremendous levels of creativity. 

Thank you dear Anitta for letting your glorious inner child come out to play during our photoshoot. Your inner child is incredible, and so are you.



PS: If you want to make something beautiful with me in 2021, send me a message and let’s start the convo. I've got a great HEARTshots promo this month. --> www.dariusbashar.com/heartshots / link in bio @dariusbashar

Testimonial Tuesdays - Nicholas Kusmich

“My photoshoot with Darius was totally different. Not only did he produce the best pictures I have ever taken, but the experience was amazing.”


PS: If you don’t know Nicholas, he’s one of THE TOP facebook marketers on the planet. He’s the dude behind some of the highest ROI-producing campaigns EVER. If you are looking to scale your biz, I’d check him out: www.nicholaskusmich.com / @nicholaskusmich

International Women's Day

I feel grateful that I get to work with so many awesome women. 

Women who are kind and sensitive.

Women who are assertive and tough.

Women who are open and deep.

Women who are guarded and mysterious.

Intelligent and creative women who are committed to being of service to their communities.

And women who are committed to being of service to themselves

Because all women are worth celebrating.

Happy International Women’s Day ⚡️



Marla + Julian (The Intimacy Experts)

It’s a lot of fun spending time with Marla and Julian. Each is such an interesting being—wise, honest, super direct—and I’ve been lucky enough to connect with them individually a few times now. 

But seeing them together is a really unique and special experience.

In case you didn’t know, they are two of the top intimacy and relationship coaches on the planet. Marla and Julian Colker specialize in helping entrepreneurial couples with love, intimacy and connection. They have a company called The Intimacy Experts (@theintimacyexperts) and have been featured by many major publications including Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC, ABC, and Oprah.

Last fall I got to collaborate with these two lovebirds for a really fun shoot. 

I remember how palpable their connection was. There was a magnetism between them; these were two SUPER successful adults that could somehow access levels of playfulness and joy at any moment. There was also an animalistic energy between them that was fun to experience and photograph. 

Marla and Julian, I miss you guys and can’t wait to hang again soon. Hopefully in LA next time.



PS: If you want to make something beautiful with me in 2021 send me a message and let’s chat.

Click To Enlarge Photos Below

Testimonial Tuesdays - Mike Shoreman

"I’ve been photographed many times but this was unlike any other experience I have had with a photographer and human being. From the moment I walked in to the moment I walked out, Darius was ON.

Never have I seen someone turn it on so quickly, so gently, so fiercely, designing and producing what I wanted my audience to see most. He knows when to push and when and what to pull. His timing, attention to detail, and the value he provides far exceeded any hopes I’d had."

- Mike Shoreman


Thank you Mike for those generous and kind words. It’s been such a joy to see you and your book soar to the top of the charts. Well deserved and much needed in the world. Love you brother.



PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word "2021".

Rebecca Tracey HEARTshots Photoshoot

I work with a lot of coaches in my photography business; I’d say 70% of my clients are coaches. I also HIRE coaches and mentors to support my business. This is a significant amount of my marketing and business development budget… and also the most effective thing I have done to help my business grow in the last 5 years.

After all that time working with coaches—both as my clients and as my own mentors—I have learned one simple truth:

The fastest way to get to your goal is by finding someone who has already done it to coach you through the process. 

Super simple, right? Not exactly rocket science. 

When it comes to helping people start a successful online business, I honestly don’t know of anyone else that has more experience or more success stories than Rebecca Tracy. She’s been at it for years now and has worked with hundreds of life coaches, nutritionists, business coaches and healers. 

Her program and her breadth of knowledge on this topic is impressive.

She’s also a ton of fun to work with and always travels with her adorable furry companion who made a special guest appearance during our shoot. 

For more on Rebecca Tracey you can check her website out here → https://theuncagedlife.com

Or follower her on Instagram here → https://www.instagram.com/rebeccatracey/

Big LOVE, 


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Hair & Makeup by @kellyd.makeup

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PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word “2021”.