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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in Black and White Portraits
My Secret Weapon For Focus

One day I will no longer be able to pick up a camera.

One day I will no longer be able to use my hands to write and type.

One day I will no longer be able to hug and hold those I love.

These are facts. Each undeniable.

When I am able to truly accept these harsh realities, instead of feeling doomed, I experience freedom.

Freedom to say, do and be who I really ambefore those "one days" find me and it's too late.

Kendrick David Kemp (Black and White Portraits)

It’s a trip looking back at old work. Sometimes I am so focus on "the mission" that I can totally forget about really amazing moments that got me to this point. Sometimes slowing down can actually be the most productive thing I can do.

When I look at these photos I smile. I feel energized. I feel inspired and I feel deeply grateful.

This was a very short, but very fun photoshoot I did with Kendrick. It was a test shoot for a TEDxToronto project I was working on. I think we only had 30 mins together, but somehow we got so many awesome photos.

Kendrick, I think it's time for round two. You ready? I sure am!!

Frances Young - Black + White Experience

Have you ever thought about all of the amazing humans who will impact your life, that you have not YET met?⁠⁣

This idea brings me so much joy, because it reminds me that the best is yet to come. ⁠⁣

It also reminds me that I have so many more friends to meet and play with. ⁠⁣

Thank you @Frances Young for being such an absolute joy to co-create with.⁣

We took so many stunning photos together. Not bad for the first time we ever met in real life. ⁠⁣

I can't wait for our next play date. ⁠⁣

Big love, ⁠⁣⁠⁣



PS: I've currently got a really great photography promo. 2 for 1 deal. If you are interested in making something beautiful together send me a message. I'd love to connect.

Something Beautiful

I am not afraid of my shadow. 

I am not afraid of my light. 

I love all of me. All parts. 

I have space and compassion for ALL of me. 

I am surrounded by everything I need. 

My heart is open. 

My feet are grounded. 

My spirt soars. 

I am safe and supported always. 

Today I choose love. 

Today I CHOOSE love. 

 — — 

Dear Universe, 

Please use me as an instrument of your divine expression. 

Let us dance together and collaborate today as fellow artists. 

Let’s make something beautiful together. 

Something honest and real. 

Love always and forever, 


Photography by: Darius Bashar
Human by: Micha Edwards

New Friends

Around 50% the time I work with people I have never met before.

Yet thankfully, 99% of the time these new clients are amazing humans and we become new friends. 

Each person is different. Different upbringings, different cultures, different jobs, and different educational backgrounds. And despite all the differences, so many of the people I work with are also so similar

There is a magic inside each person. There is something beautiful that is ready to be expressed—a light, a song, a dance—that has always been there inside them. Often times they’ve already done an awesome job expressing it to the world on stages, in books, or even through one-on-one sessions with clients.

My job is always the same: to try and capture that magic through photos. 

And with each new photoshoot, I remember why I chose to be here on Earth for this particular human experience. Because with each new photoshoot, I feel like I get closer to my own heart.

It was such a treat to sit and chat with my new friend Mekeli Villamor. To hear his story. To feel his passion for music and art and to witness his love and adoration for his two sons. 

How lucky am I that amazing artists like Mekeli come to my studio and serenade me with personal concerts?! 

Thank you, brother. I’ll never forget our afternoon together. 

BIG love, 


PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word “2021”. I've got a great promo this month.

#torontophotography #torontophotographers #behindthephoto #portraitsinspire #beautifulhumans #photoportrait

Not Easy, But Definitely Worth It

It’s not easy taking photos of another seasoned photographer. 

There’s more pressure because they understand the essence of the art form and they know what’s possible. 

There are also more hurdles because they know “the tricks” to disarming people, and often will have fortified the walls around their own hearts. 

And I get it—I do the same thing when the roles are reversed. It’s almost unconscious. 

Thankfully, I‘ve photographed many awesome photographers over the years and was prepared when I got this amazing opportunity to capture one of my faves, my dear friend Mich Chiu

This shoot was a ton of fun and also very challenging in the most soul-fulfilling ways. 

I absolutely love these photos of Mich. They have a lot of sentimental meaning to me. I saw a part of myself in her that day and that brought me closer to both her and myself. 

My favourite creative collaborations are the ones where we somehow transcend “you” and “me” and become something else… something bigger, and maybe something timeless. 

Thank you Mich for saying yes. Thank you for trusting the process and really leaning in. 

I can’t wait for our next collaboration.



PS: If you want to make something beautiful together in 2021, send me a quick DM or comment below with the word “2021”. I've got a great promo this month.

Why I love working with moms

I love photographing moms… especially new moms. There are lots of reasons for this… here are a few: 

1. Moms give so much to their families.

I notice that for many moms, motherhood often comes before anything else. For some of you, your kids come first—even before your own needs. So having a few hours where I can curate an experience that’s 100% about you is so much fun for me. It’s a small token of appreciation for all that you do.

2. Moms—especially new moms—have just experienced a massive expansion in their lives.

I’ve heard a lot of moms say that creating a new life within your own body gives you access to a lot of wisdom on life. It’s cool chatting with new moms because it’s clear they are seeing life with a broader perspective. I love asking questions about what they’ve learned over the past few months and years. There is always SO MUCH.

3. New moms are often very grounded and direct. Maybe there’s something about being responsible for a brand new life that gives you a down-to-earth energy. I love it.

4. New moms have access to a lot of creative energy.

During the photoshoot, we create a “bubble” for you to feel your own energy and it becomes clear that there is a boatload of creative power within your presence. I imagine this is why some moms are able to grow amazing businesses and communities after having a child; they are accessing that same power and strength within themselves.

It was such a pleasure to work with Bex on this photoshoot. She gives so much to her family, her friends, and her awesome business too. To carve out a few hours for us to focus on just her was a treat for me as well. 

You killed it, Bex! I will never forget our afternoon together. I am still feeling the buzz. 

Also, huge shoutout to Nikki McKnight for introducing us. Love you Nikki! 


Coco Framboise

First time I met Coco was on a Camp Reset school bus. We were headed a few hours out of the city into the forest for 4 days of cosmic space travel with 200+ adults. 

She was quiet on the bus—probably ‘cause it was packed with strangers in weird customs—but even then I could see the fire in her eyes. 

The second time I met Coco was a day later. She took the stage and led 200+ adults through a mind-blowing cabaret-style strip tease exercise that left us both empowered and dying of laughter. I have never seen or felt a room like that in my life. So creative, so connected, so emboldened, and so BRAVE. 

In that moment she was fully Coco Framboise. If you don’t know what that means, check out her website ( and you’ll get an idea. For me, it felt like dragon energy. But it also felt like pure art and creation.

The third time I met Coco was during this photoshoot. At the time she was going through a very tender life experience. Someone very close to her had recently passed. I remember thinking to myself how deep her love for this person was. It gave me something to aspire to for all of the relationships in my life. 

Coco never stops inspiring me. It feels as if she is always playing and that her creativity really has no boundaries. 

I love you Coco. Thanks for sharing your heart so courageously with the rest of us. 

I can’t wait for our next hang.