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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged sunchasers
This Is Rebecca

Many times on my own spiritual journey I’ve gotten lost by going too deep, too fast.

Even when I was a child, I was constantly exploring my existence.

My childhood journals are filled with questions like:

• What is my purpose?
* Why am I here?
• Who am I really?

I still love diving deep into questions like these.

It’s the sacred deep end of the ocean of life. I love exploring new waters and not knowing what I might find.

But over the years I have learned that going too deep can be exhausting, especially if you go alone.

Guides that specialize in the sacred deep end can be incredibly helpful.

Spiritual guides—such as my dear friend Rebecca—specialize in providing much needed support for humans who desire to safely explore the sacred deep end.

Rebecca is a medicine woman with a tremendous amount of experience and wisdom.

Check out her website for all the modalities she is versed in and to learn how serious she is about this work.

She is incredibly deep and ALSO one of the most playful, silly, kind and sweet humans I know.

After 40 years on this planet I have come to the conclusion that the most spiritual humans I know are also some of the silliest and most playful.

Life is a wonderful paradox in that way. So precious and sacred, and simultaneously one big cosmic joke.

A joke that we should all be laughing about, not in a disrespectful way, but more like the type of laugh when you all of a sudden are brought into a hilarious inside joke.

I am so grateful for spiritual lightworkers like Rebecca, who dance on the interaction between sacred and silly, and show us what true abundance looks like.

Big love,


This is Vera

When I look at these photos, I see a teenager on her last day of high school. I see freedom and adventure. Everything feels possible.

It’s been a stretch of time since Vera was a teenager, but it’s clear her essence is full of youthful exuberance.

Her intention for the shoot was to let the youthful energy in her heart dance.

I think she nailed it.

Working with Vera during this shoot was truly like working with a curious, adventurous and playful child. She and I created space for her younger self to come out and play, and it was truly a wonderful experience. There is so much creative magic when our “childselves” are invited to show up and play.

I grow so much by witnessing my clients open their hearts and share the truth of their souls with the world. It takes a lot of courage to go into the depths of your heart and find your truth.

It takes even more courage to bring that truth into the world and share it outwardly.

Thank you Vera, for both your courage and for your willingness to be seen.

Your light and radiance makes this world a better place.



PS: If you’d like to work together this winter or spring, I have a great promotion til the end of this month. —>

PPS: If you want to see a fun video Reel I made for Vera you can find it on my Instagram or my TikTok.

Marcos Mendoza

This is my friend Marcos Mendoza. He’s an artist, a music maker and an entrepreneur.

He’s also a deep thinker. And clearly stylish too.

He and I did a photoshoot a few weeks back to capture this chapter in his journey.

I was shocked at how much he’s grown and changed since our last shoot. But also glad to see how much he stayed the same.

Shoutout to every artist out there who just keeps showing up, unwilling to ever give up on their dreams.

Just like my friend Marcos.

PS: If you are interested in working together I have a great promo for the summer. Send me a DM and I’ll send you the details.


When you photograph humans over the course of several years you inevitably get to see them change.

Their hair, their fashion, their bodies, their voices and even their hearts.

To watch them explore and discover more about who they are in this world is honestly one of the coolest things about being a portrait photographer.

These photos are from my second photoshoot with Kelly. Both shoots were electric, but also very different.

The first shoot was indoors and full of vibrance and joy. For the second shoot we were outdoors and we played a lot more with mood and drama. We also embodied a bit more wildness this round. In both sessions, I loved working with Kelly because of her reverence for both art AND play—two of my all-time favourite things.

It feels very special to witness humans as they grow and transition into new chapters of their lives. I can’t wait to continue watching and witnessing Kelly as she expands her magnetic energy into the world.


“The moon doesn't consider one phase better than another.
She just glows, equally stunning at each turn. Why should we be any different?”

Cristen Rodgers

6 Simple Things To Help Build Creative Energy
  1. Go for a walk. There is something about fresh air and forward momentum that sparks creative thinking.

  2. Lay on the floor, fully sprawled out. This can ground frantic energy fast and also slows down an overactive mind. It also feels great.

  3. Take a shower. There is something creatively activating about doing physical tasks that require very little thinking. A lot of people get their best ideas in the shower.

  4. Have a great orgasm. Okay, so this might not always be simple, but if you can find a way to make it work, it’s known to help. There’s a lot of literature and many ancient beliefs that connect sexuality and creativity. Do a quick google search on “Tantra and creativity” and you might learn something new.

  5. Burn some sage or palo santo. Indigenous people have been burning sacred plants such as sage and palo santo for centuries. This is often a spiritual practice for Indigenous people and is used to cleanse unwanted energies in order to make space for new beginnings. I use this practice daily to clear my space and my mind. I also use it when I feel creatively stuck. One note: if you purchase sage or palo santo, do your best to ensure it is being sourced ethically and in a manner that respects the Indigenous people whose culture it originates from.

  6. Find yourself a crystal or a gem. If you know me, you know I always have gems on me and around my house. Each gem is different. I particularly like rose quartz, labradorite and clear quartz for creativity.

Let me know which of these practices work for you, or if you have other tips that I should add to this list…

7. clean
8. journal
9. dance
10. music


Human by: Lilian Motta
Photo by: Darius Bashar

On Fears and Creative Confidence

“I may not become a better writer or ever publish a book, but that’s not the point of expression and creation. Writing, for me, is simply a pathway to unexplored worlds. Where ideas, stories, and philosophies get constructed and deconstructed. Where my identity fragments and I get to practice leadership.

I don't know any part of the natural world that thrives in isolation, so I commit myself to growing in public, even though it’s often uncomfortable.

I believe all artists and creators do this because when we transmute our fears into expression, we get to mend the seams of our disconnection, build bridges, and most importantly, learn from one another.”

- Negin Sairafi 


The above is a powerful excerpt from Negin’s newsletter.

Negin is truly a multi-disciplinary artist. She’s a photographer, director, dancer, writer, podcaster, experience designer, meditation facilitator and occasionally a wonderful muse for my photography.

If you are moved by art, human expression and deep and honest conversations then I highly recommend following her and subscribing to her newsletter and podcast.


I used to really struggle with speaking from my heart. I used to bury my truth from the world, worried I might burden people and feeling embarrassed if I took up too much space. 

Don't get me wrong… There is great value in humility and making space for others, but that’s not what this is about. Playing small is not humility. Quite the contrary, playing small is an act of selfishness.  

At the crux of playing small is a limiting belief that states:

"If I get too big, I won't be loved."

What I've experienced in my life is that when I speak from my heart and let my light shine through, I end up giving others permission to do the same. Playing big activates the light in others and allows you to bond and connect with people on a much deeper level. This actually creates more opportunities for love in your life. 

Standing boldly in your power and letting your light shine through is a very important gift we give our community and the world. It inspires others to do the same: to seek out their own truth and follow their hearts. This is a great responsibility and privilege we each hold.

The game-changer for me was in realizing that the light that shines through me is not actually mine at all. It belongs to God. And when we deny that light from shining through us, we are denying God. 

Joseph Campbell said it best:

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are."

Personally, I'm done playing small. It does not serve me, my community, or The Universe. 

So shine bright my friend.

Before it's too late. 


The beautiful human in these photos is my dear friend Luciana. You can learn more about her and her magic here —>

- Originally written Jan 03, 2018

Don't You Dare Call Yourself A Professional, Unless...

Professional athletes call it two-a-days. That’s when they train twice per day.

I had this realization last September. The months prior were very challenging and unique (for me).

Without warning, one of the most important humans in my life had been diagnosed with Leukaemia. This was the first time something like this had come up.

Like with virtually all major forms of cancer, there was a realistic chance that this incredible human, that has deeply impacted my life since my birth, would no longer be with us by Christmas.

This experience brought me to the realization that there is a “last breath” looking for all of us. This wasn’t some poetic concept anymore. It was fucking real!
One day I will LITERALLY take my last breath. It could be 50 years from now, or it could be 50 mins. There is no way to know for certain and nothing you can do to prevent it from eventually finding you.

We all know this to be true with our minds. But something shifted for me last September. For the first time in my life, I felt it to be true with my heart.

It felt as if someone would literally come and take my camera and laptop away. This made me realize I had so many more photos left inside me.

I couldn’t stop thinking about how sad I would be if I did not realize and release those photos in my heart, into the world. If my last breath found me and all of a sudden it was too late.

It was a wake up call. It was obvious to me that I had allowed myself to become lazy and stagnant.

What was I waiting for? I had all the gear. I knew how to use it. I lived in an incredible city. And most importantly I fucking love photography.

Once, a voice in the back of my head had the balls to say something as stupid as,

“You’re a professional and professionals only shoot when they get paid.”

One swift dirty look from my heart, shut that guy up for good.

  • I shoot because I love photography.
  • I shoot because it reminds me that magic lives everywhere.
  • I shoot because there is no other experience that makes me feel as alive, as creating.
  • I shoot because one day I won’t be able to. One day my last breath will find me, and this life will be over.

So, I made a decision to go out and practice photography every morning.

I’d wake up at 4am, just so I’d be able to do all my morning ritual stuff (meditation, yoga, writing, etc) and then catch the sunrise. I’d be home by the time most people start work. This allowed me to do all my paid “9–5” photography work as well.

A Few Example Photos From Those Early Morning Shoots: 

(click to enlarge)

It's a profound experience to create something before 9am every morning, especially when that creation has nothing to do with commerce. It reminds you that a good day and a good *work* day are NOT the same thing. 

We are not commerce machines put here to make and spend money. That's not what this life is about. We are expression machines that have magic inside us. We just need the courage to look into our hearts and share what we find. 

During my morning mediation today, I realized that I have forgetting all of this. I have NOT been acting like a professional photographer. I have NOT been practicing my craft 5+ times a week. I know it's February and it's cold as fuck outside, but that's not an excuse. Not if I truly desire to be world class one day. 

It was a slap in the face this morning. One I needed to feel. It stung, because it was founded in truth. Thankful The Universe spoke up and did not mince words. 

So, now I course correct and get back to the work. Get back to practicing daily. Get back to activley seeking out failure. Get back to understanding my limits so I can push past them. 

But also, I get back to fun. I get back to that amazing feeling of creating and expressing daily. I get back to working with remarkable humans. I get back to discovering more of this incredible city.  And I get back to finding more magic inside my heart. 

Slaps to the face can hurt, but they can also quickly alert you to danger. It's so easy to fall into zombie mode and miss all the beauty and magic that perpetually exists around us.

What do you think? 

Is it possible to call yourself a professional if you don't practice your craft at least 5 times per week? I know it's not the only criteria, but for me it's a crucial one. 

Love to know what you guys think.