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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

6 Simple Things To Help Build Creative Energy

  1. Go for a walk. There is something about fresh air and forward momentum that sparks creative thinking.

  2. Lay on the floor, fully sprawled out. This can ground frantic energy fast and also slows down an overactive mind. It also feels great.

  3. Take a shower. There is something creatively activating about doing physical tasks that require very little thinking. A lot of people get their best ideas in the shower.

  4. Have a great orgasm. Okay, so this might not always be simple, but if you can find a way to make it work, it’s known to help. There’s a lot of literature and many ancient beliefs that connect sexuality and creativity. Do a quick google search on “Tantra and creativity” and you might learn something new.

  5. Burn some sage or palo santo. Indigenous people have been burning sacred plants such as sage and palo santo for centuries. This is often a spiritual practice for Indigenous people and is used to cleanse unwanted energies in order to make space for new beginnings. I use this practice daily to clear my space and my mind. I also use it when I feel creatively stuck. One note: if you purchase sage or palo santo, do your best to ensure it is being sourced ethically and in a manner that respects the Indigenous people whose culture it originates from.

  6. Find yourself a crystal or a gem. If you know me, you know I always have gems on me and around my house. Each gem is different. I particularly like rose quartz, labradorite and clear quartz for creativity.

Let me know which of these practices work for you, or if you have other tips that I should add to this list…

7. clean
8. journal
9. dance
10. music


Human by: Lilian Motta
Photo by: Darius Bashar