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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 


Dear Nikki, 

It is so wonderful getting to know you. From when I first met you as the operations mastermind at Archangel, to working with you on our first HEARTshots photoshoot. Eventually I got to experience your magic firsthand as you guided me through a full-day coaching experience for my business. I’m still so grateful for HOW MUCH VALUE you squeezed into a single day. 

But most of all, I’m enjoying our growing friendship. Your energy, your dedication, your wisdom and your hilarity are so wonderful to be around. 

To me, you are 100% an artist. Yes, your art is different from mine; your magic is about understanding frameworks, logistics, operations and getting shit done right! But in a way your art is similar to mine, because we both love empowering epic humans to do and make cool shit. 

Thank you for being awesome, for continuing to step into your light and your power, and for being such a stand up human. 

I’m so excited to see where you go from here. 

Big love, 


PS: If you’re looking to up-level your business in 2021 and want to chat with a true magician of operations, check her out! →


PPS: If you’re ready to make something beautiful together this year, send me a DM or comment below. I’d love to connect.⁣⁣ More info on this month’s HEARTshot photography promo →