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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

The Infinite

“The Infinite” is more than a really big number scientists marvel about; it’s all things that could exist. It’s always and forever

I don’t know about you, but this concept feels impossible for my human mind to comprehend. Yet many of us in the spiritual and creative communities refer to the The Infinite quite frequently…

  • The realm of absolute possibility and creation.

  • A place where all things that will one day be created already exist.

  • Infinite possibilities.

  • Infinite realities.

  • Infinite everything

If you believe in The Infinite, you might be open to the belief that there are multiple versions of yourself out there, somewhere.

Which means that somewhere there is a version of you right now walking around embodying absolute confidence, clarity and conviction to their purpose. 

What would happen if you took 2 minutes today, closed your eyes, and attempted to feel what that version of you is like? 

What does their absolute confidence, clarity and conviction feel like in your body? Even if that version is 1 billion light years away, in a far off galaxy and you can only feel 0.0001% of them.

Try it out for 2 mins today if you’re curious. PLAY! Get silly. See what happens. 

Remember, we are just messing around and having fun.

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