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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in Coach of The Week
Susheela Ramachandran (Coach of The Week)

Almost everyone who books a HEARTshots shoot with me is at a point where they are ready to share more of their magic with the world. It’s one of my favourite things about my job.

So I was incredibly honoured to take a front row seat and witness my friend Susheela step deeper into her power.

She is a coach, but her approach and the tools she uses are quite unique—and according to many of her clients, very effective

You see, Susheela is also a medium. So when you work with her, it’s actually a group of coaches or guides that you gain access to. 

I am not sure how it works being a medium, but I do know Susheela has a gift that is very rare and that she is committed to using this gift in service to others. 

For this and many other reasons, I’m pleased to share that Susheela is our Coach of the Week. 


  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences.

    I am an intuitive medium, energy healer and coach who uses her abilities to channel and heal her clients’ subconscious limiting belief systems from this life and past lives so they can live their true calling and have relationships that light them up.

  2. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    Big-hearted, spiritual business owners who have thriving businesses but feel limited in their ability to manifest and live their life’s true calling.

  3. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    Any of David Neagle's courses

  4. What's one thing about you that would surprise people if they knew?

    I have helped 7+ couples conceive children without knowing about it.

  5. Share the name of one coach or mentor that has impacted your life:

    Jonny Dupre

  6. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?


  7. Name one book that changed your life:

    A New Earth

  8. Name one of your favourite podcasts:

    David Neagle's Successful Mind podcast



Instagram: @susheelaramachandran


Cheryl Keates (Coach of The Week)

We all go through hard times in life. Moments where our resolve is challenged. Moments where it feels like everything we hold true is somehow in doubt.

How we respond to these moments can define our lives. It’s where we experience the greatest potential for growth. I believe this is a major part of why we are here on Earth: to step into these challenges and to get the fullest human experience possible. 

A few years back Cheryl went through a really challenging time in her life when a loved one got very sick. She dutifully gave all she had to looking after this family member, but in doing so found herself isolated from the rest of the world.

Sometimes when you fall out of flow it can feel really hard to get back into the swing of things. I experienced this in January after the recent passing of my aunt and grandmother. 

It took courage for Cheryl to say yes to doing a shoot with me.

It took courage for her to step back into the spotlight, but based on how things are going with her business, I’d say it was a very wise decision.

I for one am thrilled she is sharing her magic with the world. 


  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences.

    I take a holistic approach to coaching. That means coaching the whole person instead of just one area of their life, since all areas of life affect one another. I truly believe that the more balanced and fulfilled we are, the better we perform in all areas of life.

  2. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    I love working with driven professionals and entrepreneurs with BIG DREAMS. They are so eager to learn and grow and are courageous enough to step into the forum of self-discovery to deepen their awareness in order to make a bigger impact.

  3. Share the name of one coach or mentor that has impacted your life:

    Susie Vicencio. She taught me the power of tapping into my most resourced self.

  4. Where are you most at peace?

    Walking in nature with my dogs. I just love witnessing the joy on their faces when being free to explore.

  5. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    I am building a platform to make coaching more accessible to people and I get so excited at the thought of being able to help impact many more lives on a greater scale.



Instagram: @cherylkeates


The World Needs Your Love

This is my friend Sophie

She’s a trainer. She’s a coach. She’s an osteopath.

But what’s most important (in my opinion) is that she is a giant ball of LOVE. 

I am sure, like all of us, Sophie could find plenty to feel shitty about. Things that didn’t go as she planned, people who have let her down, goals she could not meet, etc.

But Sophie consistently chooses to focus on the brighter side of life. 

Of course she’s human, and nobody can stay positive 100% of the time... but Sophie gets pretty close.

I had a blast during our shoot at Academy of Lions and can’t wait to laugh and play together again.

Keep shining your light Soph. The world needs it, especially now.

Bob Gauvreau (Coach of The Week)

I used to hate money. I genuinely believed it was the root of ALL the problems in the world.

In the past, I had some trauma around money that left me hurt and wounded. And so later in life when I became a photographer and artist, it was easy to fall into the “starving artist” mindset.

Here’s how it works…

“I don’t care about money; I just want to create cool things. If I put all my focus into being creative, money will eventually find me and I won't ever have to worry about it.”

Not only did this strategy NOT work for me, but it harmed and limited me. By refusing to take an honest look into my finances and my beliefs around money, I eventually burnt myself out.

But money is just another metric for evaluating growth. It is not the most important metric. It is not the only metric. Things like integrity, community, authenticity and joy are also super important metrics that I track closely. 

And so today, I refuse to work with clients that are not committed to profit. This is a radically different approach from my previous “starving artist” stance. 

I’m tired of watching brilliant, passionate, loving humans ignore money and burn themselves out. This burnout can lead to them quitting their dreams and even growing to resent their gifts and superpowers. 

But working through our personal limiting beliefs around money can be challenging to do on our own, and sometimes we need help. We need someone who has done it already — for themselves and hundreds of others. 

Someone who lives and breathes it. 

Someone who is wildly passionate about this work. 

Someone who is crazy smart, yet also compassionate and non-judgemental. 

My friend Bob Gauvreau is exactly this person.

He has a best-selling book on gaining financial clarity. In fact, he’s so damn good that Tony Robbins brought him on as his sole Canadian Partner for his Global Accounting Advisors Team. 

And besides being brilliant when it comes to finances and business strategy, he’s also honestly one of the nicest dudes I know. Seriously! 

So without further ado, here’s a bit more about Bob Gauvreau, coach of the week...


  1. What's one thing about you that would surprise people if they knew?

    I was recruited by Tony Robbins to be his sole Canadian Partner for his Global Accounting Advisors Team providing business and tax advice to entrepreneurs around the world.

  2. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    Helping entrepreneurs deliver more impact through incredible financial results.

  3. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    Entrepreneurs, meaning individuals who have a vision, who are willing to invest in realizing that vision, and are committed to realizing incredible future results.

  4. How would your mom/dad describe what you do for a living (their words, NOT yours) :)

    I file peoples taxes.

  5. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    An NHL star!!

  6. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    Tony Robbins - Business Master.

  7. Name one book that changed your life:

    Scaling Up - Verne Harnish.

  8. Name one of your favourite podcasts:

    Gary Vaynerchuk Podcast.

  9. When do you feel most alive?

    I feel most alive when I am on stage.

  10. Name one thing that frustrates you:

    People who try and tear people down instead of picking them up.



Instagram: @robertgauvreau

Book: Amazon #1 Best Seller: The Wealthy Entrepreneur


Nicky Billou (Coach of The Week)

Spend a few minutes with Nicky and you will feel his power. It’s made of fire.

A fire that emanates from his DEEP desire to help. 

He doesn’t like being called a coach, but that’s what he is.

His style and approach is not for everyone.

He’s not here to be your pal and make you feel good about being mediocre.

He doesn’t mince words.

And he doesn’t hold back. 

In 2020, I’ll be working with Nicky and his team.

I’m nervous and I’m curious. But mostly I’m hungry.

Because Nicky knows how to help talented humans make money doing what they love.

And that’s exactly what I’m ready to do.


  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences.

    I help my clients be sought after. I help them clarify their message, position themselves as they stand out, and get paid.
    Did I mention get paid? 58% of my clients have received a 6 to 8 figure return on their investment.

  2. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    Clinic owners. Coaches. Consultants. Amazing at what they do. Get great results for their clients. Decisive. Resourceful. Committed. Coachable.

  3. Share the name of one coach or mentor that has impacted your life:

    Marc von Musser

  4. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    Officer in the Iranian Army

  5. Name one book that changed your life:

    Atlas Shrugged

  6. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    Helping 1,000 men and women make the difference they were born to make. Watching my sons grow up into fine young men.

  7. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?
    Mine. eCircle Academy. We help heart-driven entrepreneurs increase their impact and income massively.

  8. What is the biggest challenge you are currently working on?

    Launching our new cluster, called Million Dollar Clinic, aimed at helping clinic owners with practices under $1 Million add $1 Million + to their income.

  9. What's one thing about you that would surprise people if they knew?
    I'm a Poet. I won my lady's heart by writing her a love poem a day for 30 days.



Instagram: @nickybillou



Rebecca Tracey (Coach of The Week)

Looking to hire a coach or join an online coaching program? Before you spend your time, energy, and hard-earned money, there are 3 important questions to ask your potential new coach:

1) How many people like me have you successfully coached in the past year? Ask for specific references you can contact.

2) Have you gone through your own program? And are you a living example of what’s possible? Ask them what metrics they use for success,\ (e.g. revenue, health goals, or relationship details).

3) Is there an active community that is a part of the coaching program? This is helpful because having peers to hold you accountable and to motivate you by just showing up is so powerful.

It’s no wonder why Rebecca Tracey’s online coaching program is blowing up. She scores really high on all 3 questions, and has worked with over 800 coaches and taken them through her tried and tested program.

She has a deep mastery of how to help and serve her niche audience. This focus has allowed her to grow her online coaching program into a near seven figure business AND gives her the incredible flexibility to travel and enjoy life from all over the world. That last part of freedom and flexibility is so key for me—what’s the point of making a ton of money if you have no time to enjoy it?!

Keeping crushing, it Becca!


  1. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    You don't have to do shit you don't want to do. I implemented that immediately in my business and scrapped old programs, stopped wasting hours doing stuff like looking for images to include in blog posts, and stopped doing one-on-one coaching. So much freedom in owning what you want to do and giving yourself permission to scrap the rest.

  2. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences:

    I don't think things have to be as complicated as people make them. I believe in letting it be easy. And I believe that done is better than perfect.

  3. What is the WORST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    Follow your passions and the money will come. It's a lie lol. Passion fucks with a lot of people and I see a lot of coaches hiding behind passion as 1) a reason to procrastinate ("I'll really dive into my business ONCE i figure out exactly what I am passionate about") and 2) a reason to not learn marketing and sales ("if I just stay positive and passionate and stay high vibe, clients will resonate with me and want to hire me"). I have SO much to rant on about "passion" and it's role in your coaching business... but for now, let's leave it at: follow something that you reasonably like and are reasonably good at, learn how to market it and sell it, and THEN the money will come.

  4. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    Moving to the mountains in BC next year! I have built myself a career that lets me live anywhere I want ("uncaged" and all, right?). It's time to say goodbye to city life and live surrounded by nature full time. My dog Rhubarb is so excited too!

  5. Where are you most at peace?

    Sitting at the top of a mountain, or overlooking a lake after a long, long hike.

  6. Name one of your favourite podcasts:

    Reply All -- it's about weird shit that happens on the internet. My favorite episode was one where they tracked down the head of a telemarketing scam and flew to India to investigate them. That two-part episode is called "Long Distance" if you want to go look it up!

  7. What is the biggest challenge you are currently working on?

    Building a team in my business and not freaking out about it. It's really scary paying people's full time salaries!

  8. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    (Mine? LOL) Uncage Your Business is the best training for new coaches to learn how to get clients and create a solid business foundation when they are first starting. Says the 800+ coaches that have taken it, not just me. After that, I think coaches mostly need specific business and marketing training. So many coaches hire LIFE coaches to help them, when they should be hiring marketing strategists! Having a coach ask you "how does that feel to you" or "what do YOU think are your next steps" is fine and has its place, but you also need someone to teach you what to actually do and how to build a business. I don't have ONE recommendation specifically, because it depends on what skills you already have and where you are lacking. Usually coaches have two main struggles after getting clear on their foundations: 1) converting prospects to clients 2) getting more visible. So focusing on whichever of those areas you need most is a good bet!



Instagram: @rebeccatracey


Anya Romanova (Coach of The Week)

Don’t dim your light to fit in. Take a page out of my dear friend Anya’s book and lead with your heart, your truth AND your magic. 

I will forever be indebted to Anya because she gave me a gift that changed my entire photography process. Something so powerful and special that I now consider it one of my secret weapons as a photographer. 

The first time we shot together we sat and we chatted and one of the questions I asked Anya was, “How do you want people to feel when they experience these photos?” She thought for a moment, and then unapologetically blurted out:

I’m quirky. I don’t want to hide from that. I want people to see that right away because that’s what’s true for me. It’s a part of my magic. And yes, that might turn some people off, but that’s way better than taking pictures that aren’t real and then people booking me and meeting me in real life and realizing, “Oh my God, I can’t work with her.”

In the moment, this seemed very subtle and simple: quirky is something that was true for her, and she wanted that captured. But as I let the deep wisdom of this moment sink into my consciousness, it eventually became one of the foundations for my HEARTshots Photography process. 

The real reason that traditional headshots don’t work in 2019 is because they all look the same.

People can’t feel into the real you when you are trying to be like everyone else. And if they can’t feel into your your truth from your photos, they can’t trust you from them either.

Quirky was one of Anya’s words. And now in my process, we always list out 5 words before we start shooting. Your words might be fierce, wise, playful, sexy, kind—the list is endless. The point is that whatever they are, they shouldn’t hide or distract from the REAL YOU.

I love you on Anya. You’ve changed my life in so many ways. Here’s a little snapshot of Anya, including some of the photos we took with her and her beloved. 


  1. How would your mom/dad describe what you do for a living (their words, NOT yours)

    Unemployed. Get a real job.

  2. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences.

    I like to reveal patterns to my clients that are driving their life and decisions, but they are not aware of. I do it through my 1-on-1 work or through Recognizing Unconscious Bias interactive training that we bring to organizations all around the GTA.

  3. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    I love helping people create products such as live events, workshops or trainings to showcase their brilliance and build their visibility with the goal of leading to more work/clients.

  4. Share the name of one coach or mentor that has impacted your life:

    Carey Baker. She gave me full permission to speak my truth and even though it might hurt in the moment, the truth can help people grow. I am often the one to give feedback to my clients that nobody else is willing to give.

  5. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    Pre-school teacher. I thought I loved kids, but really I love all humans.

  6. Name one book that changed your life:

    The Will to Change (by bell hooks)

  7. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    To take my partner on a trip to Russia. It will blow her mind ;)

  8. What's 1 training program that you can highly you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?
    CTI 10 month leadership program. It will change you and how you live your life forever.



Instagram: @anyaromanovacoaching



Lisa da Rocha (COACH OF THE WEEK)

What I love the most about being a photographer is getting to ask people questions.

My photography sessions often feel like podcast interviews, because I get to dive deep into the magic of the person I’m shooting. Sometimes I think I unconsciously designed my HEARTshots process for this very reason: to deeply connect with some of the smartest and most driven people on the planet.

These are people who take big risks, often leaving a stable, well-paying job in order to follow their dreams.

People who decided to step out into a life that was new and undiscovered.

People who are driven to have a positive impact on the lives of others.

People who stop at nothing, until their life is totally aligned with their values and passions.

People—like Lisa Da Rocha.

I learned so much from Lisa in the time we spent together, and I am still inspired by the experience. And I am so grateful that I get to use my time on earth supporting wonderful leaders like her. 


  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences

    I combine leadership, neuroscience and coaching principles in my work with executives. Leaders find purpose, build presence, strengthen relationships in order to have a powerful impact on their world.

  2. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    I work with business executives that lead with heart and courage. Leaders with a lifelong commitment to personal growth and having a positive impact on their teams and communities.

  3. Name one of your favourite podcasts:

    Coaches Rising (

  4. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    To be a phenomenal coach, you must be coached by phenomenal coaches.

  5. Where are you most at peace?

    In nature surrounded by mountains, trees and the sounds of Mother Earth.

  6. When do you feel most alive?

    Dancing pretty much anywhere there’s a good beat and some space to move.



Instagram: @lisa.darocha



Charles Sue-Wah-Sing (Coach of The Week)

In the last year alone, I’ve worked with over 20 different leadership coaches from the Co-Active Training Institute (formerly Coaches Training Institute). And it has been a tremendous honour.

I'm not sure why this particular program is so compatible with my HEARTshots sessions, but whenever I get a booking with someone who’s gone through the CTI program I instantly know we are going to have an amazing experience together.

So when I got the introductory call from Charles, I couldn't help but have a giant smile on my face. We first started talking about CTI and then the people we have in common, and then eventually dove deeper into his own coaching business and where he’s ready to level-up. I knew I was speaking with a human who is serious about growth and motivated by helping others.

And the added bonus?

I got to photograph his amazing, brilliant, and beautiful wife Dawna MacLean the next day. And let me tell you, Dawna is a powerful and effective leadership coach as well. 

Thank you brother for leaning into the experience, and for bringing your fullness to our session.

See the photos from our session below and a little snapshot of Charles with a few quick questions.


  1. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    Coaching is not about solving problems, so relax and screw up often!

  2. What is the WORST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    Coaching is about the HUSTLE!!

  3. Where are you most at peace?

    There's this mountain-like rock in the Ottawa Valley that looks over Golden Lake.

  4. Name one book that changed your life:

    The Tibetan Book of Living & Dying



Instagram: @suewahsing



Heidi Ziegele {COACH OF THE WEEK}


This summer for the first time ever, people started FLYING IN to my studio to have their HEARTshots taken. I worked with epic humans who flew in from from New York, New Jersey, Winnipeg, the United Kingdom, and more…

Oh—but I’ll never forget Atlanta! 

Because from that city I had the pleasure of meeting the brilliant, beautiful, and absolutely hilarious Heidi Ziegele. It is such a gift to be in the presence of people like Heidi; people who feel really ALIVE!

Heidi is a lifestyle designer and coach. Heidi is also a partner at Atlanta Kick — a martial arts and fitness studio. She works with people who are stuck in a rut or going through transition in their lives, and helps them shake things up and focus on what is really important. 

Thanks for making the trip out to Toronto, Heidi. I can’t wait to hang again soon, maybe next time I’m in your neck of the woods? :)


  1. What is the BEST advice you've ever received about coaching?

    Finding great clients only requires conversations. Have lots of conversations!

  2. When do you feel most alive?

    When I get to SEE other humans deeply. I love to explore and learn about other people's inner experiences. This is the stuff of life!

  3. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    The CTI Leadership Program will blow your mind, shake you up, and forever change the way you understand what leadership means. Everyone is a leader.

  4. Name one book that changed your life:

    The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I experienced an awakening reading that book.

  5. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    My choice to put myself FIRST. It has impacted my work world tremendously. Since choosing to invest in myself with CTI training, my world shifted. My first business Atlanta Kick (a martial arts and fitness studio) has transformed from a place where I "work" into a joyful playground where I get to learn, lead, and grow. Plus, I have built my coaching practice to fulfill my desire to work towards mastery in a different discipline and build powerful connections with other humans. My choices and accomplishments make me feel like a badass! At the same time, I'm deeply grateful that I have been born into such fortunate life circumstances.



Instagram: @heidizcoach
