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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Nicky Billou (Coach of The Week)

Spend a few minutes with Nicky and you will feel his power. It’s made of fire.

A fire that emanates from his DEEP desire to help. 

He doesn’t like being called a coach, but that’s what he is.

His style and approach is not for everyone.

He’s not here to be your pal and make you feel good about being mediocre.

He doesn’t mince words.

And he doesn’t hold back. 

In 2020, I’ll be working with Nicky and his team.

I’m nervous and I’m curious. But mostly I’m hungry.

Because Nicky knows how to help talented humans make money doing what they love.

And that’s exactly what I’m ready to do.


  1. Describe your coaching approach in 2-3 sentences.

    I help my clients be sought after. I help them clarify their message, position themselves as they stand out, and get paid.
    Did I mention get paid? 58% of my clients have received a 6 to 8 figure return on their investment.

  2. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    Clinic owners. Coaches. Consultants. Amazing at what they do. Get great results for their clients. Decisive. Resourceful. Committed. Coachable.

  3. Share the name of one coach or mentor that has impacted your life:

    Marc von Musser

  4. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    Officer in the Iranian Army

  5. Name one book that changed your life:

    Atlas Shrugged

  6. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    Helping 1,000 men and women make the difference they were born to make. Watching my sons grow up into fine young men.

  7. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?
    Mine. eCircle Academy. We help heart-driven entrepreneurs increase their impact and income massively.

  8. What is the biggest challenge you are currently working on?

    Launching our new cluster, called Million Dollar Clinic, aimed at helping clinic owners with practices under $1 Million add $1 Million + to their income.

  9. What's one thing about you that would surprise people if they knew?
    I'm a Poet. I won my lady's heart by writing her a love poem a day for 30 days.



Instagram: @nickybillou
