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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Bob Gauvreau (Coach of The Week)

I used to hate money. I genuinely believed it was the root of ALL the problems in the world.

In the past, I had some trauma around money that left me hurt and wounded. And so later in life when I became a photographer and artist, it was easy to fall into the “starving artist” mindset.

Here’s how it works…

“I don’t care about money; I just want to create cool things. If I put all my focus into being creative, money will eventually find me and I won't ever have to worry about it.”

Not only did this strategy NOT work for me, but it harmed and limited me. By refusing to take an honest look into my finances and my beliefs around money, I eventually burnt myself out.

But money is just another metric for evaluating growth. It is not the most important metric. It is not the only metric. Things like integrity, community, authenticity and joy are also super important metrics that I track closely. 

And so today, I refuse to work with clients that are not committed to profit. This is a radically different approach from my previous “starving artist” stance. 

I’m tired of watching brilliant, passionate, loving humans ignore money and burn themselves out. This burnout can lead to them quitting their dreams and even growing to resent their gifts and superpowers. 

But working through our personal limiting beliefs around money can be challenging to do on our own, and sometimes we need help. We need someone who has done it already — for themselves and hundreds of others. 

Someone who lives and breathes it. 

Someone who is wildly passionate about this work. 

Someone who is crazy smart, yet also compassionate and non-judgemental. 

My friend Bob Gauvreau is exactly this person.

He has a best-selling book on gaining financial clarity. In fact, he’s so damn good that Tony Robbins brought him on as his sole Canadian Partner for his Global Accounting Advisors Team. 

And besides being brilliant when it comes to finances and business strategy, he’s also honestly one of the nicest dudes I know. Seriously! 

So without further ado, here’s a bit more about Bob Gauvreau, coach of the week...


  1. What's one thing about you that would surprise people if they knew?

    I was recruited by Tony Robbins to be his sole Canadian Partner for his Global Accounting Advisors Team providing business and tax advice to entrepreneurs around the world.

  2. Name one thing that you are super excited about:

    Helping entrepreneurs deliver more impact through incredible financial results.

  3. Who is your favourite type of person to coach?

    Entrepreneurs, meaning individuals who have a vision, who are willing to invest in realizing that vision, and are committed to realizing incredible future results.

  4. How would your mom/dad describe what you do for a living (their words, NOT yours) :)

    I file peoples taxes.

  5. When you were 10 years old, what did you want to be?

    An NHL star!!

  6. What's 1 training program that you highly recommend to coaches looking to level up?

    Tony Robbins - Business Master.

  7. Name one book that changed your life:

    Scaling Up - Verne Harnish.

  8. Name one of your favourite podcasts:

    Gary Vaynerchuk Podcast.

  9. When do you feel most alive?

    I feel most alive when I am on stage.

  10. Name one thing that frustrates you:

    People who try and tear people down instead of picking them up.



Instagram: @robertgauvreau

Book: Amazon #1 Best Seller: The Wealthy Entrepreneur