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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

A Slow-Moving Train Is still a moving train

This morning I got to my computer and couldn’t find any words to share.

I couldn’t write.

I love what I do and I adore all the amazing people I work with. But even though there is so much beauty in my life, some days a part of me feels heavy and resistant. So this morning I daydreamed about deleting all my social media accounts and moving somewhere hot with plenty of beaches and mangos. 

Doubt and uncertainty show up often in my life, and I am pretty sure they will travel with me till the end of my journey. Feelings of doubt are true for so many of us, but I think they are especially present for artists, entrepreneurs, and creators—people who take risks.

This morning when I didn’t want to write, I reminded myself that it’s okay to feel and experience these feelings as they come.

Feelings of doubt and uncertainty are not the enemy.

But I need to remember that these feelings are also not the Truth. 

And on the days when I want to stop everything, it’s important to keep showing up. To keep expressing and to keep the train moving.

(Even if that means on certain days the train will be moving way slower.)

Because a slow-moving train will still get you where you want to go.

Anyone else feeling extra resistance these past few days? It can’t just be me. What’s your plan to keep the train moving?