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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

30-Day Self Love Experiment

Hello beautiful humans! Today I’m starting a 30-day experiment around Self Love.

The idea is to express, explore and create without first going through a filter of “What will other people think?” or “How will this impact my business?”

Here’s how it works: 

  • Step 1: Open a new (free) Instagram account. 

  • Step 2: Make sure it is private. All posts are for your eyes only. 

  • Step 3: Take 1 photo of yourself every single day for 30 days. 

  • Step 4: In the description of each photo, share words of kindness, support and love for your human.

  • Step 5: Do NOT share these posts with anyone else. No hashtags, no account tags.

This is not a marketing or business exercise; these are love letters to your human. It is important to keep the account private so that you feel safe enough to go as deep as you can.

Bonus points if you can get creative with the photos and your words.

You don’t need to take the exact same photo every day. If you feel brave enough, you may discover different parts of your body that maybe never get to be seen on camera. See if you can love those parts too. 

Everyone has their own limits, their own comfort zone. You don’t need to compare or judge where your personal edge is; just go as far as you can and feel what’s there for you. 

  • Maybe there are some apologies that need to be shared between you and your human. 

  • Maybe there is something you have always wanted to say to yourself.  

  • Maybe your human has a message for you. 

  • It doesn’t need to be all serious. You can laugh and play and dance too. 

When the 30 days are done, if you want you can delete the entire account—or not.

But the point is that NO ONE ELSE will ever see these posts. They are intimate love notes from you to your human.

Anyone else want to play, explore and create for 30 days? Direct message me or leave a comment below if you are interested.

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