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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

We Are All Going Bald (Including You)

Now get over it and go change the world.

It took me a long time to accept that I look different from how I used to. Specifically, it took me a long time to accept that I was balding

For so long, my identity was connected to a younger version of myself with a full head of hair. And secretly I didn’t want people watching my videos and saying, “What happened to Darius? He got old!

But they were right.
I did get older.
So did they.
So did everyone else.

That’s how the human experience works. We get older and WE CHANGE.

After shooting over 300,000 photos of people’s faces, I have seen this unavoidable fact (that we are all getting older and changing) hold so many people back from fully showing up in their lives.

They’re waiting for their 21 year old body to return. 
They’re waiting to time-travel back into their teenage years.
They’re waiting for their wrinkles to disappear and the hair on their heads to grow back. 

And while no one expects any of these things to actually happen, somehow we still wait. 

Our younger selves deserve love and respect, but our current selves are FUCKING POWERFUL exactly as they are. Because our current selves are the only ones that have a voice. 

They are the only ones who can create change NOW. 

I have wrinkles.
I have less hair on my head.
I have more weight around my belly. 

I LOOK different. Because I AM different. 

And now it’s time to MAKE A FUCKING DIFFERENCE. 

Who’s with me?