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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Want to Use Social Media To Grow Your Biz? Let Go of Your Friends and Family

On Tuesday, I took a risk and shared a story that I’ve never shared before. It’s about how I generated over $20,000 in September through booking photoshoots with only my dream clients. 

After sharing this content I was deeply triggered. You see, growing up I was told to NEVER talk about money. Especially specific numbers. I was told it’s impolite, it’s egocentric, and will attract toxic energy. 

Then you guys jumped in. The comments, the feedback, the text messages, the phone calls, the DMs—ALL of which absolutely blew me away. 

I felt my brain expanding. The old ideas and narrative crumbled, and some completely new ideas and questions began to form.

I asked a few people what resonated with them about Tuesday’s video. What was the big difference? Here’s what you guys said:

  1. I spoke in specifics. $20,000 is very specific.

  2. I spoke on a topic that had clear value to their lives. They also were interested in generating $20k from dream clients.

  3. I shared something very personal and very real. Not to show off, but rather to say here’s what happened and here’s what I learned. 

So, with today’s Keeping It Real Thursday post, I want to continue down this new path and see where it takes me. I want to share 1 more powerful tip that was instrumental to helping me generate dynamic and focussed content on social media.

And just in case you didn’t know this 100% of my leads come from social media. 

Have a watch and let me know what you think. 

Uploaded by Darius Bashar on 2019-10-03.