Julian Brass - Author of The Week — Darius Bashar | Toronto Portrait Photographer | Toronto Photographer
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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Julian Brass - Author of The Week

I first met Julian over 10 years ago when he was running Notable Life. This dude was hustling hard, building his start-up into what would one day become a multimillion-dollar social platform.

Who knew that all these years later, that he'd also become a best-selling author on the topic of anxiety.

Really proud of you Julian for taking what you know and what you have, and using it to be of service to other humans.

If you're dealing with anxiety—which is basically all of us—and looking for a fresh take with lots of practical tools and tips, check out Julian’s new book, Own Your Anxiety: 99 Simple Ways to Channel Your Secret Edge.

You can grab a copy here: https://www.amazon.com/Own-Your-Anxiety-Simple-Channel/dp/1989025625

(You might even find a few of our photos from Julian’s HEARTshots session inside the book!)


PS: When you are ready to take your coaching, speaking, writing or healing business to the next level, I am here to help.

More than just beautiful photography, I designed my HEARTshots process from the ground up in order to help heart-centred leaders grow their IMPACT and make more money.⁣⁣

Here is a link to my October Promo page (spots are limited) --> http://www.dariusbashar.com/heart-shots

PPS: If you are a CTI coach, trainer, or student, I have an extra $200 promo for you for this month only. (⁣Expires Nov 01)