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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts in Keeping It Real Thursdays
Your Creative breakthrough is on the Other side of Risk

We all know that risk feels dangerous when you’re new to an industry or career, and still building your reputation. But what’s interesting to me is that risk can feel even MORE dangerous when you’ve established yourself.

It feels as if you have more to lose. Higher expectations. More people paying attention. And when you have things that are already working, it’s so easy to fall back onto them, and keep things simple and risk-free.

This project with my dear friend Chidiogo and Kelly is a really good example of big creative risk for me.

I first had a vision for this project during a dream. I woke up I texted Chidi and I shared the dream with her and my desire to collaborate on something new and different.

She said yes. I felt equal parts excited and nervous. Excited for a new collaboration. Nervous, because we had never worked together before and the concept was a totally unknown creative style for me.

Leading up to the day of the shoot, I felt so much anxiety around stepping into this unknown territory. A voice in my head shouted, “How the hell are we going to do this?! Why don’t you just do what you already know.” But that loud voice was just one part of me.

My solution was to go in and have a conversation with this anxious voice. I thanked him for wanting to protect me from failure and pain. But then I looked him in the eye and reminded him:

Creative risks are a competitive advantage in creative fields. And everything that has ever given me security and stability as a creative professional started by diving headfirst into the unknown.

I took the risk, and I’m so glad I did.

After pushing through, I experienced a creative breakthrough. IT WORKED, and now as a result of this risk, I feel even more stability and security

There are lots of times I have no idea how the hell I am going to execute a bold creative concept. But I do know I have access to a level of relentlessness and resourcefulness that allow me to push through the terror. And I also know that when I’m courageous and intentional, the Universe has my back. 

Is there a creative risk you need to take? What’s holding you back?



If you’re ready to take your coaching, speaking, writing or healing business to the next level, I am here to help.

My HEARTshot photography process is designed from the ground up, to help heart-centred leaders grow their IMPACT and make more money. Here is a link to my October Promo page. Spots are limited -->



As many of you know, at some point in life most of us will experience trauma or significant emotional pain. Darker moments in life can bring us back to these feelings. The experience is very intense and often overwhelming.

One way to respond to intense feelings is to suppress them—I’ve got lots of experience doing exactly this. We ignore or deny these feelings in an attempt to feel better. And in my opinion, this is the cause of most emotional suffering.

Short-term, this strategy might actually work at helping us feel better. But the irony is that in an attempt to move away from those unwanted feelings in the moment, we actually end-up bringing them infinitely closer over time.

Long-term, this attempt to suppress what we feel may slow us down drastically, and even dims our light.

When we deny our feelings, we begin to close off. This slow-moving, dense energy inevitably becomes an emotional blockage. Like a wall surrounding our hearts, we end up trapping those heavier feelings deeper inside us.

It’s kind of like asking a roommate that you loathe to sign a 20-year lease with you.

That which we are trying to push away ends up owning real estate inside our most precious possession — our hearts.

For me, healing happened when I realized that darkness is not evil or a bottomless pit. The pain I was feeling was merely a giant emotional wall, between the light of my heart and the rest of the world.

These blockages living within each of us prevent the magnificent beauty of our light from shining out into the world. And for some of us, the walls are so sophisticated and clever that we don’t even see them. 

I think Michael Singer said it best in his powerful book The Surrender Experiment:

Pain is the cost of freedom.

Stepping into the pain can feel scary.

Every step you may feel darker, because it’s closer to the blockages.

Every step may feel isolating, because you’re further away from the surface and its many distractions.

But remember:

With every courageous step you take into the depths of your heart, you are also stepping closer to your light and joy. And even though it seems darkest as your approach your own emotional wall, know that just inches behind that wall is the most beautiful light in the Universe. The light from your own heart. 


7 Reasons To Quit Sharing Your HEART on Social Media

You’re probably expecting me to talk about the many benefits of social media—to grow your business, and the benefits of authentic self expression. 

But right now, I want to talk about the many reasons I do NOT want to make and share content. 

Specifically, I’m referring to my new, long-term social media strategy: which includes creating DAILY content.

You might not know this about me, but I wake up at 5AM from Monday to Friday. I meditate, I ground myself, and then create the new content for that day. And whatever I create, I release as a new social media post.

There’s also a bigger strategy around my content, involving the categories of what I focus on. But that’s not the point of this post. The point of this post is there are MANY days when I DO NOT want to make content. 

I’ve had countless conversations in my head, where the parts of me that feel insecure try to convince me to quit.

So… seeing how today is Thursday, and Thursday’s content is all about keeping it real, I wanted to share some of these thoughts with you. 

Here’s a snapshot of what goes through my head when I’m trying to convince myself to quit sharing on social media. Maybe you can relate; maybe you can’t. I’ll be honest, today’s post is mostly for me. I need to let go of these fears. And the first step to letting them go is acknowledging that they exist.

I bet it’s not just me, and I wanna know if you feel the same. What’s YOUR biggest fear when it comes to sharing content on social media? Leave your answer in the comments or send me a DM.

Uploaded by Darius Bashar on 2019-10-10.

Want to Use Social Media To Grow Your Biz? Let Go of Your Friends and Family

On Tuesday, I took a risk and shared a story that I’ve never shared before. It’s about how I generated over $20,000 in September through booking photoshoots with only my dream clients. 

After sharing this content I was deeply triggered. You see, growing up I was told to NEVER talk about money. Especially specific numbers. I was told it’s impolite, it’s egocentric, and will attract toxic energy. 

Then you guys jumped in. The comments, the feedback, the text messages, the phone calls, the DMs—ALL of which absolutely blew me away. 

I felt my brain expanding. The old ideas and narrative crumbled, and some completely new ideas and questions began to form.

I asked a few people what resonated with them about Tuesday’s video. What was the big difference? Here’s what you guys said:

  1. I spoke in specifics. $20,000 is very specific.

  2. I spoke on a topic that had clear value to their lives. They also were interested in generating $20k from dream clients.

  3. I shared something very personal and very real. Not to show off, but rather to say here’s what happened and here’s what I learned. 

So, with today’s Keeping It Real Thursday post, I want to continue down this new path and see where it takes me. I want to share 1 more powerful tip that was instrumental to helping me generate dynamic and focussed content on social media.

And just in case you didn’t know this 100% of my leads come from social media. 

Have a watch and let me know what you think. 

Uploaded by Darius Bashar on 2019-10-03.

My Acne Scars Are My Superpower

I’ve never shared this story with anyone.

Because I was too embarrassed to admit my truth. So I ignored it and looked away.

And looking away was surprisingly easy.

Our society is set up for us to continually look away and ignore our deepest inner truths.

But these inner truths often require courageous conversations; with ourselves and with others, in order to be set free.

These courageous conversations are not easy. They are also very uncomfortable. We essentially poke at our own emotional wounds and that shit hurts.

There is an upside though. In fact, it’s a really powerful one, especially if you believe life should be full of PURPOSE and IMPACT.

Have a look at this video and let me know if there is a courageous conversation you are ready to have. The world is ready for your truth.

I have never shared this story before. #acnesacrs #selflovecoach #HEARTshots

Keep Going

Sometimes I get to my computer in the morning to write a new social media post and I don’t feel anything. Or more accurately, I feel anxious and unsure, because I have no clue what to write. 

In those moments, my commitment of sharing valuable and REAL content 5 times a week feels impossible.

A part of me has resistance to this kind of writing because this part of me remembers what it feels like to flow. Those joyous moments when the words just pour out of me. 

This part of me revolts. 

“I hate this. It feels forced. It feels fake. People will know. No one will like this.”

And of course, what that part of me is really concerned with is no one will like me

He wants me to take the day off. To rest. To do anything else, besides this uncomfortable task. 

Today was one of those days. 

I struggled. I was full of uncertainty, doubt and frustration. Then, I looked at my whiteboard that sits 2 feet away from my desk. There is a picture of my dream client on that board and a few sentences on how I want her to feel when she interacts with my content.

One of the sentences on my whiteboard states: “Darius is honest and REAL.” 

And so with that, I decided to share this REAL post on how it can be a struggle to share some days. A part of me wishes it was juicer and attention grabbing. A big breakthrough or deep wisdom. But it’s not. It’s just me sharing how challenging it can be to stay consistent. And sharing with you that there are days when I just want to stay in bed and keep to myself. 

But I know momentum is a wonderful thing. It takes time to get the train moving in the right direction. Especially if it was standing completely still. So when it is moving forward, even if at a slow pace, it is important to keep going. Even on the tough days when you feel uninspired and unfocused. 

Maybe I needed to release this energy and this post to help make space for something else. Maybe tomorrow will be just as difficult. 

Or maybe, just maybe that wonderful and effortless flow will find me and we will dance once again. 

Regardless, I am going to keep going. 

Do you have any tips for how you keep pushing through on days when your parts are not feeling it? I know I am not the only one that experience these days. 


For anyone who feels called to working together, now is the time to do so. Follow the link below for all the details on my amazing promo this month while it’s still up. -->

PS: Payment plans also available. :)

I want to feature YOU and your HEARTstory #KeepingItRealThursdays

What if your mess was your message?

What if your mess was your masterpiece?

What if sharing your wounds publicly could set you free?

If you believe keeping it real and being vulnerable is actually a strength, then I want to connect.

I want to hear your story.

I want to share it with my entire community.

I want us to inspire people to take a leap and stand in their own truth.

If you have a story that scares you, but also feels ready to be let go, I want to connect.

What if your mess was your message? What if your mess was your masterpiece?

Over 20 Years of Acne {Keeping It Real Thursdays}

It’s hard to see my acne scars on social media, but in real life you can spot them fairly quickly. You may not know this about me, but for over 20 years I had really bad cystic acne. The type that was constant, painful and almost always left a scar. 

I went to dozens of doctors. Tried every treatment under the sun: antibiotics, expensive facial products, cleanses, detoxes, diets. You name it, I tried it. 

At best, treatment would work for a week or two and then things would often get worse. 

I eventually gave up. I failed so many times at “fixing” the acne that it hurt too much to continue to hope that it would go away one day. 

So I settled into the belief that I would have to live with acne for the rest of my life. 

I would never admit it, but I was deeply insecure about my skin and my scars. 

Hoodies, hats, soft lighting, and hiding out in the shadows was my way of coping. 

A part of me wanted so badly to play in the sun. 

To share. To laugh. To show up fully and to contribute

So much inside me was sick and tired of being muted. 

And over time I heard this whisper, growing and echoing from deep within: 

“There is more than this. There is more of you. Let it go. Let it all go D.” 

And slowly I began to take down my walls and let the world see me and my heart. 

It was scary. It still is, but like any muscle you work out regularly, it got easier. 

I have come to love my scars. 

Because each one gave me access to deeper empathy. 

Each one helped me love and accept others. 

Each one, a reminder of my resilience. 

We all have scars. 

Some are skin deep, but most are much deeper than that. 

These “messy” parts can hold us back from fully showing up in our lives. 


Our mess can become our masterpiece. 

You choose.

98% of Everyone I Photograph HATES The First Photo I Show Them

It's okay. I hated my first photo too. All I could see were my imperfections. It felt as if the rest of me was erased and only the parts that I felt most insecure about were left in the photo.

There are a couple of reasons 98% of everyone I photograph feels this way too. I get into a few in this video.

The good news is I have a process that is made to lovingly work through this incredibly common phenomenon.

I call it HEARTshots, which are the opposite of HEADshots.

My theory is nobody really trusts headshots in 2019. They are too stiff and often contrived. Nobody wants to get into your head. Half the time you don't want to be in your own head. Mostly people just want to feel your heart. That's how they decide if they can trust you and if they want to work with you.

My HEARTshots process is designed for people who are ready to step more fully into their purpose and power. This can sometimes be scary, but it can also be a boatload of fun.

Seriously, people are always so shocked at how much we play and laugh during our sessions. This is the only way I know how to take photos. The more genuine joy we co-create together, the better the photos.

So, if you are ready to take a big leap forward and continue down this path of sharing your purpose and power with the world, hit me up! This is my jam. There is nothing I love more than fanning the fires of HEART-centred leaders, just like you.

I have an awesome promo for this month. Have a look and see if you feel called to connect. ->

It's okay. I hated my first photo too. All I could see were my imperfections. It felts as if the rest of me was erased and only the parts that I felt most insecure about were left in the photo. There are a couple of reasons 98% of everyone I photograph feels this way.