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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Spiritual Creators
Stop Throttling Your Joy

When was the last time you felt 10 out of 10 joy? It might sound like a silly or strange question, but hear me out…

A few years ago, while in a group therapy session, the facilitator got us to do a simple exercise that knocked my socks off.

By the end of the exercise it became crystal clear to me that I throttle my own joy. I had a hard limit on the joy I allow myself to feel and express. I felt that limit at around 8 out of 10.

This was entirely unconscious—I had no clue I was doing it!

After some more self-exploration, I realized this limit around joy was for two reasons:

  1. I was afraid that I would annoy my friends and family with my excitement. So I cut off 20% from the top so I would fit in better with other people.

  2. I was afraid to be joyful about life because at some point in the past, I felt an excitement that went away and I was left feeling disappointed.

In both cases, there was an underlying belief that if I got too excited or joyful, I would lose love.

Once this all became conscious, everything changed. I could see how ridiculous it was and decided to upgrade the joy in my life.

I did a lot of work over the past few years to release these limitations. The work is ongoing but it’s worth it.

Because joy is maybe my favourite thing about life. It’s everywhere. It’s simple. It always surprises me. It feels amazing in my body. It adds so much colour and spice. Joy is like golden rays from the sun, and without it, life would feel cold and muted.

If this resonates and you are interested in exploring your own relationship with joy, here are 3 simple things you can do to start.

  1. Over the next week, track when you experience 10 out of 10 joy in your life. If it’s never, take some time to reflect and maybe even journal about it.

  2. Get curious about who in your life is the most joyful. Don’t judge or compare, just notice. Maybe there is something they can teach you.

  3. If you have a journaling practice take some time this week to explore the difference between joy and happiness.

I hope you can use these tips to explore your relationship with joy, in order to bring more joy into your life.

Big love,


Artist's Prayer

I haven’t heard the term “spiritual creator” before, but there’s something I really love about the idea of creators, artists, and innovators who believe in divine guidance.

As a spiritual creator, these are 3 practices I do before I create anything:

  1. I meditate and connect with my own heart.

  2. I burn sage or palo santo in order to cleanse and clear myself and my workspace of any stagnant or unwanted energy. (see special note below)

  3. I say a prayer and ask God for help and support. Yes, I know that God is a complicated concept for many, but in my heart God is one of my best friends and most badass collaborators. The prayer to God is slightly different every time but always includes the following lines…

Dear God,
Please use me as a vessel for your divine expression.
Use me as an instrument of your love.
Give me the courage to go into the depths of my heart and find my truth.
And the courage to speak my truth in my own authentic voice.
Whatever happens from there, I let go and let God.

Today’s post is dedicated to anyone else who feels seen and recognized when they hear the term Spiritual Creator; people who feel that there is something important in their hearts that they are looking to express.

Whatever personal practices or creative rituals you might have, I hope they lead you to creative momentum and spiritual growth.

Big love,


Please note: sage and palo santo are sacred indigenous medicines that need to be treated with reverence. It is a good idea to find a trustworthy source to teach you about these two powerful medicines and how to utilize them with respect to the land and the people they came from.