Let it all go Let it go Let go god .
Sometimes God drops profound wisdom from the sky. I call these DMs from God. As in, direct messages.
But sometimes she doesn’t need to. Sometimes all she needs to do is ask a simple, perfectly timed question.
Today during my meditation, I started spiralling down a very unproductive path. For whatever reason I was fixated on solving a recent work problem. I watched myself, as I spent valuable meditation energy trying to solve a business problem that ultimately was not aligned with my core values or my highest self.
Then, all of a sudden God stepped in and asked one simple question.
“What do YOU really want Darius?”
I took one deep breath then suddenly — peace and clarity filled the room.
The 5-part answer flew out of me, with no hesitation.
- I want to show people the magic that exists everywhere, when they experience life from the seat of their soul.
- I want to remind people that the voice in their head is not them. We each have one of those voices and for whatever reason it’s always the thing that holds us back the most.
- I want to show people the boundless strength that exists in vulnerability.
- I want to help people bring down their walls, so that they can dive deep into their own hearts. The heart is the gateway to The Infinite. That’s the birthplace of all magic. That’s also where our greatest dreams are waiting for us.
- And last, but certainly not least, I want to show people how trulybeautiful they are.
To say the last 6 months of my life have been the most transformative, would be massive understatement. The best way to describe it would be a spiritual awakening, which for whatever reason led to a 10 X output of creative work.
It was freaking awesome. It was also terrifying because I shared many personal details of my life and let the world see my heart.
That same heart seemed to have a direct connection to the Universe (aka God). This allowed writing, photos, videos and conversations to flow out of me at an unprecedented pace.
But here’s the thing, exactly 13 days ago that connection was severed.
Imagine you had God’s direct line and she was DMing you epic amounts of ideas/content/insights and then all of a sudden, God ghosts you. No more DMs. No more replies. No more magic!
What happened? Was it me? What did I do OR not do? Was I sending too many text? Was I too needy? Did God find someone else she’d rather DM?
This made me feel many things. Sad, confused, lost and very insecure, to name a few.
For 13 days I’ve been walking around magic-less. :( This threw me off my schedule big time. No 4 AM wake ups, no meditation, no yoga, no writing and no sharing. This of course led to even less inspiration.
This really sucked.
But then, last night it happened. I got my first DM from God in 13 days.
I was at my first ever ecstatic dance event (will explain later) and just before 100+ strangers were about to spend 2 hours dancing in total silence (as in, no talking) the DJ got us to do a really fun exercise. He asked us to stand in a big circle and to imagine we are at the edge of giant cliff, our toes 2 inches from the end. He asked us to set our intention for the night, while standing at the edge of this cliff. I took a big breath, closed my eyes and was transported to that cliff. I asked my heart “So…what do ya wanna do?”
Then, all of a sudden I felt the ding in my heart. It was a DM from God!!
It read:
“Sometimes we float. Sometimes we fly and other times we deep dive. Seasons change, you need to adjust, but that does NOT mean you stop doing the work. Energy comes and goes, but the work keeps.”
It was everything I needed.
Photo by Karol Goldstein on Unsplash
Our most important task as creative beings is to make space, so that God can flow energy through us.
If you want to create more, you will need to let go of anything that is needlessly filling you up. Otherwise, there will be no room for greatness to flow through you.
Letting go can feel overwhelming. It requires radical self-awareness and honesty, both of which will leave you stripped naked and exposed.
Sure, naked can be terrifying, but it can also be one of the most liberating human experiences - if you let it.
See the full photography collection for the above photo here.