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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

I'll Never Forget The First Time I met Lisa Nichols

Moments after she finished giving a talk to 2,000 people, I met Lisa Nichols for the first time.

For anyone who’s given a talk before, you can imagine that’s a really interesting time to meet someone. Let alone take their photos.

It was backstage at the 2019 Archangel Summit. When she opened the door to the area where we set up our portrait studio, a wave of energy came rushing into the room. Instantly I felt peace and calm through my entire body. 

After a few seconds I snapped into photographer mode. I shook her hand and jumped into explaining what type of photos we were taking.

But Lisa wasn’t ready to talk about photos yet. There were 3 other people on my team she had not personally met.

So before we began, she walked over to each one of my assistants and shook all of their hands. She looked into their eyes and shared her sincere warmth and presence with each person. Then Lisa sat down for a few moments as our hair and makeup artist, Lisa Arsenault gave her a post-talk touch up. 

That’s when Lisa and I had a conversation that lasted only a few minutes, but left a profound impact on my life.

I felt seen and witnessed in a way that allowed me to access my highest self. 

She asked me a question early on in the conversation, “What’s your thing Darius? You have a really unique energy and I can tell you’re more than a photographer.” 

This opened up a powerful conversation that I’ll never forget. This brief but poignant exchange of words meant so much to me. 

Being in the presence of Lisa’s power lifted me to a new vibration. 

We only had a short time together to take photos on that day, but I will never forget the first time I met Lisa Nichols.