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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

My Secret Weapon For More Creativity + Courage


Almost everyone I know wants to be more creative. And it takes a lot of courage to do so.

Diving into the depths of your heart and finding your truth requires great bravery, and it’s easy to get stuck by becoming self-critical and super fucking judgey.

So here’s a simple way out of this trap:

Find photos of you as a child and scatter them throughout your home or workspace. You don’t need a ton; one to five photos works great.

When you see the photos, take a moment to connect with the little human in these pictures. And most importantly take a moment to remember that there is a beautiful and precious part of you that is starting something creative. This younger version of yourself needs your love, your patience and your compassion way more than they need your criticism.

This is true all of the time, but it is especially true if you are starting a new project.

Yes, you may be an adult with decades of wisdom. But if you just started a podcast, TikTok, newsletter, group coaching, etc… then there is another part of you that still feels 8 years old.

You can ask yourself (and that younger part of you) simple questions like:

  1. Are you having fun?

  2. What’s your favourite part so far?

  3. What would you like to try next?

And most of all, make sure to leave plenty of room for PLAY and CELEBRATION.

PS: Here are some photos of younger D. If you are interested send me a few photos of your younger self too. We’ll have a party for all the kids. :)