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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

You VS Trump

I have a very serious question and need your help. 

I honestly don’t know what makes good content anymore.

I used to think it was content that: 

  • a) Inspires conversation

  • b) Engages the audience

  • c) Creates an impact

  • d) Builds a community

  • e) Generates revenue

But by these metrics there is no one on the planet that makes better content than Donald Trump. 

So let me ask you seriously…

Does Trump stand as the pinnacle for what we should all strive for when it comes to creating winning content? 

And if not…

When YOU create content for social media, how do you know it’s working? 

You might answer —> “My content helps and uplifts people.”

There are literally millions of people around the world that would say so does Trump.

You might answer  —> “Not those people, different people.”

Which is totally fair, but is your goal to create content that makes everyone happy all the time? Trump knows that’s not possible so he focuses on his core audience and makes them fucking ecstatic. 

Does your core audience (your people) feel as strongly about you? 

So again, what is good content and how do you measure it? 

Please help! 

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