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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Let Me Show You What I See

Each of us has a light that ignites from deep inside our bellies. 

If you are bold enough to remove the blinders placed upon you by society and and open your channels, this light will shoot up your spine, through your throat, and radiate out of your head and heart. 

You will transcend your history. You will exist in a place behind time and space and your being will sing your heart song deep into the cosmos. 

And when this happens, we witness the presence of an expressed human. 

A being who is radiating the light of God into the world. 

This light will be judged by those who live in the dark. 

This light will be revered by those who long for purpose. 

This light will activate and awaken all in it’s path. 

This light is pure and limitless. 

It has no regard for silly human concepts such as right or wrong, rich or poor, man or women, young or old. 

My gift in this world is that I can see this light inside you — all of you. 

I can see it even when you have dimmed it to nearly nothing. 

I can see it even when you refuse to accept its existence.

I can see it even if you have buried it under decades of anger, trauma and hatred. 

My wildest dream for Us is that one day you will allow me the great privilege to hold up a mirror and let you see this light inside you. 

I am clear that this is why I am here: to help people remember how magical and beautiful they truly are.

If something inside you is moved by these words or these images and you are ready to share more of your light with the world, send me a message and let’s chat.

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