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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Tomorrow I Take (Naked) "Soft Men" Photos For The First Time

Tomorrow I will ask a man to stand in front of my camera and strip it all away.
His clothing. His armour. His walls.  
This brave man will be totally naked and exposed to the world.
As we embark on a totally new and unknown journey.

Tomorrow, I take my first portraits for my Soft Men book. 

There are so many emotions building up for me. So many question marks. 
There is also tremendous gratitude to The Universe for trusting me with this project. 
And deep appreciation to this beautiful brave man who has volunteered to be Portrait 001. 

I commit to showing up fully. To staying open. 
I commit to (emotionally) meeting this brave man wherever he is. 
I commit to power over force
I commit to letting go of expectations and just flowing. 
I commit to creating a safe space for both of us to release and heal. 

I surrender to the grace and deep wisdom of The Universe.
I trust that she will take us where we need to go. 

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If you want more information on this project or maybe you want to be one of the 50 Soft Men to be photographed in the book, you can go to 

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PS: In case you were wondering, these photos are from a different project / photoshoot from last year. They are not part of my Soft Men book, but have a very similar essence to them. Soft Men Portrait 001 kicks off tomorrow.