Promo — Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography — Darius Bashar | Toronto Portrait Photographer | Toronto Photography
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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Promo
Want To Go On An Adventure Together?

🌅 I am currently looking for people to chase the sun with me. If you want to go on a creative adventure together, let’s chat.

Summer is around the corner and I still have a few photography openings left in June, July and August. I love outdoor photoshoots and my SunChasers photo adventure has a great promo this month.

Here’s how it works…

We have a game plan before the shoot. We meet up. You jump in my car and we embark on our adventure in the city. There are many places we could explore:

➤ Beautiful hidden beaches
➤ Lush forest areas and parks
➤ Graffiti alleys
➤ European-inspired streets in the city
➤ Fun and vibrant neighbourhoods
➤ Tall and towering urban landscapes
➤ Super cool bridges and architecture
➤ And many others!

While exploring the city, we jam out to music and chat about life, creativity, relationships, dreams. We co-create something beautiful, and often it feels like we’re doing a podcast together.

This style of photoshoot is a great way to share more sides of your personality with your audience in order to build deeper trust and connection. The more of your true self you show your audience, the more they will see themselves in you.

SunChasers are often easier for people who feel a bit shy in front of the camera. That’s because you will be quickly distracted by all the fun things happening in the environment and less focused on the camera. It’s a great way to take vibrant, creative and confident candid photos.

I have a great promotion for these outdoor summer photoshoots. There are a limited amount of spots open, because summer has a finite amount of days. I wish summer was endless, but that’s just not how it works.

If you feel called by my work and my energy and we haven’t had the chance to collaborate yet, this is the perfect opportunity.

Here’s a link to my outdoor photography package AKA my SunChaser photoshoots. CLICK HERE

Big love,


PS: I love working with humans of ALL comfort levels. If you are feeling shy, please know that my entire business is built on working with people who usually DO NOT like getting their photos taken. All this to say you are in good company and and good hands, I promise. 🙏🏽

One Spot Left (Vancouver)

Hey Vancouver friends: I am coming to see you in June and I only have ONE SPOT LEFT. I found a gorgeous photography studio in Gastown and will be offering my signature HEARTshot photoshoot experience.

👉🏽 But I am almost fully sold out for the week. So if you are looking to significantly upgrading your online presence, so that you can connect with more of your dream clients, let’s connect asap.

My area of specialty is supporting speakers, authors, coaches, therapists and artists.

I have worked with hundreds and have taken over 800,000 photos of people all over the world.

The people I want to support the most are individuals who are committed to using their passion, wisdom and energy to positively impact the world.

I know how to help these people take photos that ACTUALLY FEEL and LOOK like their best selves.

I will be in Vancouver June 12 to June 16. If you are interested click the link here and you’ll find all the details including pricing, examples and a ton of testimonials. New clients welcome.

Big love,



Do you ever feel like there is an untapped creative potential in your life, just below the surface, waiting to be unlocked? Let's unleash it together in only 7 days!

I am beyond excited to announce that I have officially launched a 7-day course called Supercharge Your Creativity in partnership with Insight Timer.

If you feel something magical inside your heart longing to be expressed in the world, this course is for you. Maybe it’s a new project, business, book, podcast, course, relationship, career, family, or something else.

Maybe you’re already working on something but it’s moving too slowly, or maybe you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed by the idea of sharing your creations with the world. Either way, this course is built to bring you back into the magic of your own creative mojo.

Each day of this course we will connect with a new spiritual power source to rekindle the clarity, confidence and momentum of your unique creative spark.

This course will also deepen your relationship with the tremendous wisdom and love that lives within your own heart. By the end of the 7 days, you will feel reunited with your creative dreams, while also feeling grounded in self-compassion and the loving patience needed to put the work in.

It was important to me to make this course as accessible as possible. The cost is only $59—or FREE if you already have an Insight Timer Plus membership. In terms of timing, it works out to less than 20 mins per day.

A huge thank you to Insight Timer for making this possible and for encouraging me to create and share this course on their platform. If you are unfamiliar with Insight Timer they are one of the world’s largest meditation apps and honestly my favourite platform to make content with. There is so much great free content on that app and their community is incredible.

Here’s the link to my course —> CLICK HERE

Big love,


I'm Coming To Vancouver Again! 🥳

I am looking for 5 heart-centred people in the Vancouver area who are open to significantly upgrading their online presence, so that they can connect with more of their dream clients.

My area of specialty is supporting speakers, authors, coaches, therapists and artists.

I have worked with hundreds and have taken over 800,000 photos of people all over the world.

The people I want to support the most are individuals who are committed to using their passion, wisdom and energy to positively impact the world.

I know how to help these people take photos that ACTUALLY FEEL and LOOK like their best selves.

I will be in Vancouver June 12 to June 16. If you are interested click the link here that will have all the details including pricing, examples and a ton of testimonials.

Big love,


Workshop Alert!! (TORONTO)

I’m looking for 4 people who want to learn how to use their cameras and learn the foundational principles of great photography and videography.

If you don’t have your own camera I have a few you can borrow.

Also, bring your iPhone/Android because I am going to show you my favourite tricks to taking better smartphone photos and videos too.


  • 3-hour interactive workshop (not just theory!)

  • Time to implement the lessons in real life (mini shoots)

  • Watch me take portraits and ask questions

  • BONUS: I will do a quick mini-shoot with each student

  • Keep the photos I take of you (FULL HD)

  • $100 voucher to book me for a photoshoot


  • How to find the best light in any location

  • How to get the best quality image possible with your camera

  • Understanding the basics (aperture, shutter, ISO, autofocus)

  • The science and psychology of camera angles and heights

  • How to pick the best locations for your photos

  • How to make your subjects feel comfortable

  • How to look confident as both a photographer and model

DATE: Friday, Dec 16th
TIME: 12pm to 3pm
LOCATION: Toronto (Etobicoke)

Click the link for more info (including pricing) —>

Taking The Show On The Road (VANCOUVER)

I am looking for 5 heart-centred people in the Vancouver area who are open to significantly upgrading their online presence, so that they can connect with more of their dream clients.

My area of specialty is supporting speakers, authors, coaches, therapists and artists.

I have worked with hundreds and have taken over 700,000 photos of people all over the world.

The people I want to support the most are individuals who are committed to using their passion, wisdom and energy to positively impact the world.

I know how to help these people take photos that ACTUALLY FEEL and LOOK like their best selves.

I will be in Vancouver Oct 24 to Oct 28. If you are interested follow the link in my bio that will have all the details including pricing, examples and a ton of testimonials.

Big love,


In Person Photography Workshop

I am looking for 10 people who want to learn how to use a semi-professional or professional photography camera.

I am going to rent an awesome photography studio in Toronto and teach a 3-hour workshop that will involve a lot of hands-on training.

Everyone will walk away with:

  1. Foundational training on how to use your camera

  2. Many photos that you have taken with your new knowledge (build your portfolio + confidence)

  3. And photos that I take of you as well. (FREE BONUS)


This is an in-person workshop, not a virtual workshop. It will take place in Toronto. Also, if you have a camera that would be awesome, but if not I will have a few of my own you can borrow.

Comment below or DM me if you are interested.

Big love,


If You’ve Been Waiting For A Sign, THIS IS IT!

If you have ever wanted to work with me and my amazing team, this is your opportunity to do so at a fraction of the cost. 

I have 3 spots left for our Mini HEARTshots 1-Day Event in April.

  • We shoot in an elegant, spacious studio in Toronto

  • My professional behind-the-scenes team will make you feel like a star 🌟

  • BONUS training videos included to help you prepare before the shoot

  • BONUS live Q+A session on Zoom prior to our shoot to answer any lingering questions you may have

Lastly, the payment is split into two instalments one month apart to make it even more convenient and accessible. 

If you’ve been waiting for a sign, this is it. 🙌🏽

Let’s make beautiful photos and moments together!

To learn more about the Mini HEARTshots event, visit

Big love,


PS: HUGE shout out to the brilliant Brandon Ferguson for bringing this testimonial video to life! I am still blown away.

PPS: And of course so much gratitude to all the amazing humans who shared their experience so openly in this video. My heart is exploding with love. Thank you!

10 Spots Available

🌟 My one-day Mini HEARTshots event is back! 🌟

The last one sold out in 48 hours. There are only 10 spots available. 

The feedback from our first group in January was incredible. 

I knew people would like the Mini HEARTshots, but I didn’t realize they would be SUCH A HIT. The photos turned out amazing, and just as importantly: people had so much fun!

If you have ever wanted to work with me, this is your chance to do it at a fraction of the cost. 

  • We have an amazing studio in Toronto. 

  • You are going to love my team. They’re super skilled and also super kind. ☺️

  • I’m including some awesome bonuses too. 👀

All the details can be found at the link below:

I can’t wait to make beautiful things together with 10 new humans. 



90% Sold Out In Less Than 48 Hours!

In less than 48 hours I am 90% sold out. You guys rock! ⁣⁣

If you are still interested in a "mini HEARTshot" session together in January.⁣⁣

I have a spot for you. ⁣

Here’s the link —>

I can't wait to make something beautiful with all the humans who said "yes!"⁣

Big love, ⁣