Manifesting — Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography — Darius Bashar | Toronto Portrait Photographer | Toronto Photography
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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Manifesting
Are You A Master Manifestor?

What do YOU know to be true about manifesting?

Not what you learned in a book, or a course, or in an Instagram Reel, but rather what have you personally observed to be true?

Last week I started a list of observations I have experienced around manifestation. I started with 7 things, then almost every day I would meet someone new and ask if they had anything they wanted to add, from what they observed in their own life.

Currently I have 20 observations.

I wanted to call them rules on how manifesting works, but rules is way too rigid a word. Observations feels more honest and accurate.

I am going to make a longer YouTube video on this soon, but for now, here are a few observations I have so far:

1. Manifesting loves gratitude.
2. Manifesting loves joy.
3. Manifesting loves commitment.
4. Manifesting/dreaming is a skill. The more you practice the stronger the muscle gets.
5. Commitment is not the same as attachment. Attachment is a form of control and manifesting does not like being controlled or micromanaged. Fully committed while unattached is the sweet spot.
6. Manifesting does not react well to comparison. Comparison will steal your joy. See #2 for why that matters.
7. Manifesting requires faith, deep belief and surrender. Surrender is the opposite of giving up because it requires your deepest trust.
8. Manifesting does not respond well to goals with rigid timelines, e.g. “I will make $10k by Sep 1.” Timelines imply attachment. Manifesting wants to know you are fully committed. If that September 1st goal isn’t met, will you give up?
9. Manifesting LOVES movement. Moving your voice = sharing your dreams. Moving your breath = keeping your heart channels open. Moving your body = any physical action towards the goal, no matter how small, will build momentum.

I have 11 more observations so far. And I have a feeling there are A LOT more.

If you have any to add, share them below or send me a DM.

Big love,