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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Posts tagged Dear Artist
Dear Artist Vol. 02 - Blake Fly

Dear Blake

I woke up today feeling you in my heart and I wanted to share my gratitude for you. 

Your “Thank U” parties opened my heart to a deeper level of appreciation for my life and my community. They changed the way I saw the world. After I attended your event, it was like my eyes were upgraded to see all the beauty, kindness and hilarity everywhere. 

Your support and leadership in “Project Finish” helped me double my business revenue in less than 2 months, but even more importantly you helped me feel more authentic and honest in how I show up in the world. 

Having you in our Archangel business mastermind has been amazing too. We joined this business group to grow our businesses—to receive wisdom and knowledge from Gio and his instructors—but you are ALWAYS giving back to the group. If you have an idea for someone’s business you never hesitate to jump in and share. If you see someone doing cool shit, you cheer them on no matter what. If you can promote someone else’s dream you are there in a flash; NO QUESTIONS ASKED! 

I’ve learned so much about abundance, generosity and kindness just by watching you. 

I also see your artist-self and I love that dude. Your level of creativity and innovation is a thing of beauty. I understand why so many people hire you to mentor them and their businesses. You are an endless supply of AMAZING creative ideas, Blake. 

I love you brother and can’t wait for your next amazing idea.



PS: I am so freaking pumped for your “Thank U Live” event next Wednesday. Events like this are more important in 2020 than ever before. 

PPS: You might be a dad by next Wednesday!!! Your little dude might even be at your Thank U Live event. WOOOOO!!!

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If anyone wants to join next Wednesday here is the link. Get your tickets before they’re GONE! →


Dear Artist Series Vol. 01 Chris Assaad

Dear Chris,

I woke up this morning feeling a lot of love in my heart for you.

Your open heart, your deep and direct wisdom, and your ability to really see me—even when I couldn’t see myself—changed my life in so many amazing ways. 

How is it possible that we have only really been homies for just over a year now? It feels like we’ve been friends forever. 

This morning I was thinking about the early days of COVID. I remember when I first had the idea for Artist Morning, and felt so terrified and confused about what I should do with it.

You told me to follow my joy. To follow what feels good and easy. I have heard this advice hundreds of times in the past from so many people, but it was more about the transmission of strength and certainty in how you said it. 

Your love allowed me to soften. And your support allowed me to let go of who I thought I had to be, so that I could discover who I was becoming. 

What a fucking gift you are. So inspired and uplifted by you (and your art). 

Love you, my dude! 


PS: I’ve told you this so many times in the past, but it still trips me out to listen to your music and think to myself, “This DUDE, this incredible ARTIST is my friend.” You know I am freaking bonkers about your music. You are easily one of my favourite musical artists and that has 0.00% to do with our friendship. That is 100% about how your music makes me feel.

PPS: I can't wait for your new album LION to drop tomorrow. It's for sure my favourite so far. Proud of you brother!!!