Holding God's Hand
On really difficult days, I ask God to hold my hand.
On other days, I sit back-to-back with God and we meditate together. I feel the warmth of God’s body against mine. It’s such a soothing and supportive way to start my day.
If I can be still enough, I can even feel God’s beating heart on my back.
God is a major part of my life and a key source of inspiration for all the work I do.
In the past I would be really cautious about using the “G” word in a post or a meditation.
Because I discovered that it can be really polarizing.
On several occasions people have shared that they got triggered or “checked out” because I mentioned the word God.
I would immediately feel guilty that they were negatively impacted by the meditation I created, or possibly just felt left out. I felt like I messed up and should have been more thoughtful.
Eventually this brought up a powerful inflection point for me. What was I trying to achieve?
Was my goal to make everyone happy? Or was it to speak truthfully?
I am still figuring it out.
It isn’t black and white. Context and intention matters.
For now, I want to share my relationship with God with my community.
I also want to stay open and hear perspectives that are different from mine. Even if they are difficult for me to hear.
Because some of the most important moments in my life started with me hearing things that are difficult to hear, and then taking time to unpack what is happening underneath my reaction. And then taking ownership of my own part.
Is there something that is true and important in your life that you are afraid to share with the world—or even with your family and close friends?