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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

This Is Cherry Rose

One of my favourite things about photography is watching people grow.

If I’m lucky, I get to work with someone multiple times and witness their evolution firsthand.

This weekend I photographed Cherry Rose for the third time and it was electric. There is something so special about her.

So I went back to the first shoot to see if that magical frequency was there too.

It clearly was.

These photos are from my first photoshoot with Cherry Rose. This was 6 years and several lifetimes ago for the both of us.

Cherry Rose, it’s been such a treat watching you grow over the years.

I can’t wait for our next play date.

Big love,