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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

A New Journey Together

Dear Little D,

I love your little mushroom haircut. 

I love how silly and playful you get.

I also love you when you are quiet or scared.

The next time you feel scared, remember that you don’t need to figure things out on your own. 

I’m here too. And I will always be here for you. Always. Always. Always. 

There are a lot of others here for you as well. They also love and care for you a lot. 

I know this can feel scary or overwhelming at times, because it’s been just you and me for a long time. 

But if you are open to it, maybe it’s time to let a few other people in as well.

No rush. No expectations.

Just an idea.

If it feels right, grab my hand and we’ll go on a new journey together. 

There are so many beautiful and uncharted adventures that we could explore. 

Love always and forever,

Big D