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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

The Art of Copying Art

It’s too late for me. I missed my chance. I should have started years ago. 

There are too many artists / creators / musicians / businesses already in the space. They are way ahead of me. 

What could I possibly bring to the table that would be unique? 

I don’t want to look like a copycat. 

It’s just too late!


I have that voice in my head too. It kept me on the sidelines for a long time, just watching other people create cool shit. 

The good news is that I found a way around this unproductive thinking… 

Six steps to help me copy other artists in a way that is ethical, profitable and fun as f*ck.

It might not work for all artists and creators out there, but it worked for me. It gave me permission to play, express and create more than I ever imagined. 

It also gave me a brave space to build momentum as a new artist, a foundation to build on, and then eventually my own signature style. 

If you’re on the fence about getting into the self-expression game, I hope that this video gives you a nudge in the right direction. 

Big LOVE, 


PS: If you dig this video and this message and want to support me and the Artist Morning YouTube channel, you can subscribe here →⁣ // link in bio @dariusbashar


PPS: Come meditate and journal with me. It’s totally free and everyone is welcome. You might just love it → // link in bio @dariusbashar