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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

That Time I Almost Abandoned Artist Morning

One year ago today, I created Artist Morning. 

I built the entire website in a single day. I generally move fast, but this was something else. 

I bought the domain, got the hosting, made the logo, wrote all the copy, found all the photos, made a video, set up an application form, and even recorded my very first guided meditation ever. All in one day. 

It reminds me of stories of women who give birth in the cab ride on the way to the hospital. It happened so fast that it felt like a blur. 

But here’s the thing… for two weeks I didn’t tell a soul. I kept it to myself.

The truth was, I was terrified of this baby that just came through me. It was not what I wanted. What I really wanted was a solution to making money as a photographer during a global lockdown. 

Instead what I got was Artist Morning: a space for creators who felt lost to meditate, journal, and connect as a community. 

So I hid this new idea from the world, embarrassed for coming up with such an impractical idea. 

“I’m a photographer… what do I know about guiding meditations and building online communities!?” 

Thankfully I had a chat with my dear friend Chris Assaad who gave me the time and space to share my doubts and my excitement for this project. He gave me some powerful advice:

Follow the ease. If something feels good, give yourself permission to play with it and don’t worry about practicality.

I kept working in secret, but I continued making guided meditations because they felt good to make. When I finally got to a place where I was ready to introduce my baby to the world, I was terrified but somehow I decided to step into the unknown. 

Thank God I did. Artist Morning is honestly one of the greatest things to happen to my life. 

Anyone else have experience hiding a creative baby from the world? 

If so, I feel you, I love you, and I believe in you. 

#createmore #creativityeveryday #artisttips #createdtocreate #createyourself #artistsway #ArtistMorning

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