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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

The Best Business Decision I Ever Made

Finding a great coach or mentor is still the fastest way I know to grow your business and your life. 

It’s not rocket science. The steps are really clear. 

Step 1: Figure out what you want. What’s your goal?

Step 2: Find someone who has already achieved this goal for themselves. 

Step 3: Do some research to see if this person is a good teacher or mentor. This part is important, as some really successful humans are terrible teachers. 

Step 4: Convince this epic human to teach you their ways, to share their greatest secrets and their most effective tools, and to open their most powerful relationship connections to you and your business. (No big deal, right?)

Bonus Step 5: If your coach or mentor has a community of students at different stages of the process, this is important. The reason is because spending time with really amazing coaches can sometimes be limited (due to all the epic things they are always up to). Having a community of like-minded peers to connect with makes a massive difference. This might even lead to some friendly competition.

All this to say, my dear friend and business coach Giovanni Marsico scores ridiculously high on all 5 steps. I have been in his Archangel business coaching program for over 2 years now and I am still getting my socks rocked by this dude. 

So grateful I took the leap and invested in myself. When I started working with Gio, the price was by far the highest ticket item I’d ever spent on my business or myself. This felt scary at first, but also lit a fire under my butt to make sure I did everything in my power to make it work. 

And work it did! 

It was easily the best business decision I have ever made. Gio and his incredible team and his ever-growing community at Archangel have been instrumental in some BIG revenue growth in my biz. Every time I hit an upper limit, Gio finds a way to lovingly smash that limit down and give me permission to fully dream and FULLY BE ME. 

I love you Gio. The work you are doing is truly God’s work. 




PS: If you want to make something beautiful with me in 2021, send me a message and let’s start the convo.

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