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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

12 Tricks To Help you Get Creatively Unstuck

This morning I looked through my old journals and noticed something unusual.

Consistently over the years, my writing in February is full of doubt and uncertainty.

I just can’t seem to find that magical creative flow that I love dancing with, and I don’t feel the deep connection to my heart that I’ve gotten so used to.

I recently spoke with the president and CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Canada and he told me that there is a big spike in pharmaceutical products used to treat depression in February.

I don’t know what it is about this month, but it seems like I’m not the only one having a tough go. So for today’s post I wanted to share 12 practical things I do that help me get unstuck

Last week I implemented many of these tips and it definitely helped. But honestly I still faced a lot of internal frustration and resistance, wanting to give up many times. If this happens to you, my loving suggestion is to do the simplest, smallest thing you can manage to create a bit of movement. 

Be gentle with yourself and remember that there is a good chance you’re not feeling this way alone. 

12 Tricks to help you Get Creatively Unstuck

  1. Take a shower → Wash away old, heavy lingering energy.

  2. Move your body → Even a 5-minute yoga flow is a good start.

  3. Write in your journal → I use a great app called Journey for this.

  4. Clean your space → Clutter is bad for your mental health.

  5. Clip your nails → Can’t explain this one but it works.

  6. Clear your email inbox → Like I said in #4, clutter shuts your flow down.

  7. Walk in nature → This is hard, because when you’re stuck you won’t want to leave the house.

  8. Meditate → This is a great way to find your centre again. 

  9. Talk to a friend → Movement creates momentum, but if you’re too tired to move your body, simply move your voice instead. 

  10. Tell someone you’re stuck → A lack of creative movement can be overwhelming, making it even harder to get unstuck. Disrupt that immediately.

  11. Make something just for you → It doesn’t have to be anything complicated. It can be as simple as taking few photos, or writing a short poem just for yourself. 

  12. Check in with your heart → Ask your heart if it has a message for you and just listen. This one actually takes a lot of courage to do. 

That’s what I got for now, but I’m sure there’s lots more. So if you have any quick and easy tips that help you get unstuck and create momentum, leave your suggestion here and I’ll try it out. 

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