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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

What Would It Be Like To Celebrate Your Scars?

This is my friend Laura. She nearly died 25 years ago in a terrible car accident.

When Laura was 18 years old, her car got hit by an impaired driver and she suffered serious injuries to her body, specifically to her left leg. The doctors said it was a miracle she was alive and that she didn’t end up losing her leg. But this experience left Laura with physical and emotional scars.

Common convention when it comes to scars is to hide them. But if you know me, you’ll know that I think scars are beautiful and often deeply inspiring. 

Laura obviously agrees. And when she reached out a few months back to share the vision for this photoshoot I instantly got goosebumps. 

Laura booked a session to proudly celebrate one of the most difficult experiences of her life. And I can see that Laura has worked really hard to create a deep and intimate connection with her own body. The love and appreciation that I witnessed between Laura and “her human” left such a resounding impact on me. 

Thank you, Laura. You gave me a gift I will never forget. 

PS: Laura waited until she was ready to take this bold celebratory step. It’s important to note that not everyone needs to do something like this. We’re each on our own journey and need to check in with ourselves to see what’s right for us.