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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

9 Zoom Tips That Saved My Butt During COVID

Since April I have been hosting and facilitating Zoom groups 3–5 times EVERY single week. 

I did the math and that’s over 100 Zooms that I have lead for Artist, Creators and Meditators from around the world. 

As you can imagine doing the same thing 100+ times in a row will teach you things. I made so many mistakes, especially in the early days. 

My background is in photography and film, so holding space for 15–25 people several times a week could be REALLY.

This was made even more difficult because I can get really introverted and am SUPER sensitive to other people’s energies. 

With this How-To Video I share my 9 Best Zoom Facilitation Tips that have saved my BUTT during these past 100+ Zooms that I have lead during COVID. 

PS: If you like this video and would like to see more like it, subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will be sharing all sorts of FREE videos like this that will help you continue up-leveling your skills as a Creator. ⁣

PPS: Come meditate with me!!! →