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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

16 Questions To Ask Before Hiring a Photographer

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Finding a photographer to work with is not as simple as looking for someone who takes beautiful photos. You also need to consider if working with this person will help you grow your impact and your business.

If you’re thinking about having your photos taken in 2020, I want you to have a great experience and to feel good about the decision you’ve made. I’ve put together a couple points to help you find the photographer who is right for you.

Here’s a list of 16 questions you can ask yourself before hiring a photographer:

  1. Do I love their photos? (If not, keep searching.)

  2. Do they work with leaders in my field? (Check their portfolio.)

  3. Will their style of photography connect with my audience / potential clients?

  4. Will our personalities work well together?

  5. What is their process for taking the best photos possible? (Do they have a process?)

  6. Will the photographer take time to understand and know me as a person?

  7. Will the photographer take time to understand my goals for these photos?

  8. How long will we shoot for? (There’s a big difference between 15 minutes and 5 hours.) 

  9. Where will we shoot? (Do they have a studio? Does the location fit my brand?) 

  10. Will they guide me on how to prepare for the shoot? 

  11. How many photos will I receive in the end?

  12. How many of the photos I receive will be retouched or edited?

  13. What is their editing style like? (Some photographers can over-edit.)

  14. How long will it take them to get me the final photos after the shoot? 

  15. Am I free to use the photos any way I like?

  16. Do they have testimonials from real humans I know and respect? 

These questions will help you discover whether working with this photographer will get you closer to your goals. Feel free to save this post and refer back to it at a later date.

Happy #TipTuesday everyone!