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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

6 Questions That Will Help You Write Better Social Media Content

Do you know what generates more profit and grows my business faster than anything else I’ve ever done? Creating and sharing social media content from my heart. But before I can dive into the writing process and let my heart sing, I focus my energy by asking myself the following 6 questions:

1. Is there a clear deadline for the post? 

Without a deadline, nothing gets done. In order to stay consistent, create a deadline for yourself and make it unmovable. 

2. Can you make the post shorter?

It’s easy to fall in love with your own ideas, but don’t get too attached to your words. The shorter your post, the clearly your message. 

3. Who are you talking to? 

You can’t speak heart-to-heart to a demographic. Your answer to this question should be a person, not an audience. To sound more conversational in your writing, picture a specific person on the receiving end of your post.

4. Are you formatting for social media? 

Avoid writing one giant blob of text and hitting publish. Break up your content into paragraphs and it’ll be much easier to read.

5. Do you have an amazing photo or graphic for your post? 

This is easier than you think. There are so many amazing tools out there, many of which are free. My favourites are Unsplash and Canva

6. What value does your post provide? 

  • Education: Something your reader can implement in their life. 

  • Entertainment: Make your readers laugh, put them on the edge of their seats, or show them something beautiful. 

  • Personal Story: Bring your reader closer to your heart by sharing a very personal story about your life. 

  • Celebrate: You can celebrate your wins—or better yet, celebrate your community! (This is the concept behind my Coach of the Week content.) 

  • Offers: Don’t forget to share your magic with the world. If you really believe in the value of your skills and know you can be of service to others, please don’t hold back! I try to make an offer once every 2 weeks. 

Hopefully this checklist was helpful. I want you to succeed and so does the Universe.