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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

How I Used Meditation To Make $27,000 in 24 Hours

I just popped out of my morning meditation and had to share this story. I have not washed my face yet. Not brushed my teeth yet. It’s so fresh—I am literally in my pyjamas in this video and even as I type these words. 

The last 24 hours have blown me away. There is certainly a lot more than just meditating that went into this, but without it I would not have gotten the $27,000. That’s for sure. 

I share this story not to show off, but to inspire others to explore meditation and the power of belief and action

Do you guys meditate? Have you ever experimented with using meditation as a magnet to pull in your dreams and goals? If so, please share. This stuff is so freaking cool!

I had to share this story. It's still super fresh. I am literally in my pyjamas as I make this video and type these words. I have not washed my face yet. Not brushed me teeth yet. I just popped out of my morning meditation and had to share this story.