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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

The Secret (toxic) Belief I discovered while photographing Liz Gilbert, Lisa Nichols and Seth Godin

What do you think happens when you get to witness real-life proof, indisputable evidence AGAINST your biggest, most limiting beliefs?

Something extraordinary, to say the least.

But more accurately, it shakes us to the CORE.

And this weekend, I got to have an experience like this.

The lesson I learned was gifted to me by many incredible thought leaders, influencers, authors, and speakers that I had the privilege of working with and photographing this past weekend. People who have changed my life with their work. Including Seth Godin, and Lisa Nichols, and one of my favourite writers in the world: Liz Gilbert.

By coming face-to-face with the thought leaders I admire, I also had to come face-to-face with my own unconscious beliefs. Because these people were real-life proof that stood in the face of that.

In today’s video I talk about some of the toxic programming I didn’t even known I had, that was holding me back from my greatest good. Have a look, and let me know if you can relate.

I have to give one more shoutout to the man who made this all happen, Giovanni Marsico. Brother, the impact you have on my life and the lives of so many people is bringing us all closer to who we’re meant to be.

Uploaded by Darius Bashar on 2019-10-22.