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Toronto Portrait Photographer || HEARTshots || Black + White Photography

Memoirs and musings of Darius Bashar. Toronto portrait photographer and writer, in pursuit of all things real, raw and intimate. 

Marco Grob + Death + Poop

Yesterday I sent my all-time favourite photographer, Marco Grob an email that started with: 

"Long story short, there is strength in vulnerability and we are all going to die."

I also somehow incorporated the highly sophisticated topic of shitting one's pants and managed to make-up a word that doesn't exist. The whole process was a bit terrifying, but was also probably the most important email I sent all month. That remains true, even if I never hear back from Marco. 

I have my friend Sahil Dhingra to thank. He introduced me to this TEDx video on why comfort will ruin your life and also included me in his 30-day social experiment called the "MONTH OF DISCOMFORT". We are currently on day 5.

Every step so far has felt super uncomfortable and was met with a ton of resistance by many parts of me.

That said, each step has also been filled with growth. Although it has only been 5 days, I can see myself growing in many aspects of my life, despite how awkward and uncomfortable I am constantly feeling. 

Thank you Sahil for being such an unrelenting shit disturbor. 

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